ACC Secretary-General Met with Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 29 June 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with H.E. Ms. Soeung Rathchavy, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, and exchanged views on practical cooperation between Cambodia and China as well as ASEAN and China.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping gave a positive evaluation on the sound development of the Cambodia-China and ASEAN-China relations. She highlighted that Cambodia and China enjoyed traditional friendship, frequent exchange of high-level visits and close mutual beneficial cooperation. ASEAN-China relations had achieved in-depth developments and had already become one of the most active and robust relations among ASEAN’s dialogue partners. The year 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the year of educational exchange. It was also the first year of the realization of ASEAN Community and the first year of the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan of China. With the joint efforts of both sides to promote the building of a community of common destiny, implementation of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative and the 2+7 Cooperation Framework, ASEAN-China relations faced even a broader prospect of development.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping introduced ACC’s work, including the ASEAN-China Week hosted by ACC, and expressed appreciation for the continued support to ACC given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia. She commented that as one-stop information and activities centre, ACC had been devoted to implement ing the important consensus reached by the leaders, and actively promoted practical cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, education, culture, and tourism with fruitful achievements. During the last four years since ACC was established, it has organized and participated in about 500 activities and would implement 19 flagship projects this year. ACC had maintained close cooperation with Cambodia and conducted numerous cooperation projects together. Officials of ACC were now attending the  youth exchange activity hosted by Cambodia, and Chinese media delegation organized by ACC was visiting Cambodia. ACC would like to continue to coordinate with Cambodia to further promote cooperation in all fields, thus to give strong impetus to the overall and in-depth development of Cambodia-China and ASEAN-China relations as well as the development and prosperity of the region, and make its own contributions.

On behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Secretary of State Soeung Rathchavy extended warm welcome to Secretary-General Yang Xiuping for her visit to Cambodia. She spoke highly of the important role played by ACC in promoting friendly exchange and cooperation between Cambodia and China as well as ASEAN and China. She noted that Cambodian Government paid high attention to its relationship with China and expected to deepen the overall friendly cooperation with China. Since its establishment, ACC had done substantial and effective work to promote practical cooperation in all fields. The influence of ACC had been thus constantly raised and ACC received great recognition and compliment from all parties. Cambodia had entered into an important stage of economic and social development. It expected that ACC could continue to implement more projects and activities in the fields of trade and investment, tourism, exchange of young students, exploitation of human resource, cultural and artistic exchange and to provide more support for the economic and social development of Cambodia and for the continuous development of ASEAN-China relations.

Both sides also shared their views about the ACC’s major work for the second half of this year.