ACC Secretary-General Met with Under Secretary of State of Cambodia Ministry of Information

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 29 June 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with Mr. Meas Sophorn, Under Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Information in Phnom Penh, and exchanged views on strengthening cooperation in information and public relations.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping briefed on the work progress since ACC’s establishment. She commented that information and public relations was one of ACC’s working priorities. To strengthen the cooperation in this field would help to promote understanding of the peoples and lay a foundation for friendship in civil societies. Currently, the Chinese journalist delegation organized by ACC was visiting Cambodia, thanks to the substantial help and support of the Ministry of Information of Cambodia. She hoped that more Chinese people would get to know Cambodia through journalists’ photographs and reports. ACC would like to further strengthen cooperation with Cambodia Ministry of Information, to make joint efforts to hold related activities, to propagate achievements of cooperation, and to enhance mutual identification and common understanding. 

Mr. Meas Sophorn complimented ACC on its efforts of promoting ASEAN-China functional cooperation. He highlighted that Cambodia and China had close relations. The two countries carried out cooperation in various fields, which had gained fruitful results. Media played an increasingly important role in the interaction of countries and friendly communication of the people. The friendship of countries and people could be better promoted through media’s visits. Hereafter, we should pay more attention to the significance of media and make better use of media as a bridge. He noticed that the majority of the journalist delegation was young people, and hoped that youth could use their intelligence to make broad communication with Cambodian media and people in their own way, to introduce Cambodia’s developments to the outside world, and further promote the friendly exchange of the people of both sides. The Ministry of Information expected to strengthen cooperation with ACC, to promote more media exchange, and to make greater contributions for the further development of Cambodia-China and ASEAN-China relations.