ACC Secretary-General Met with Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 29 June 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with H.E. Mme. Bu Jianguo, Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia in Phnom Penh. Mr. Tan Qingsheng, Political Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia attended the meeting. 

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping briefed on the mandates of ACC and its endeavours to promote ASEAN-China practical cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, education, culture, tourism, information and public relations. She spoke highly of the efforts and contributions made by the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia to promote development of Cambodia-China and ASEAN-China relations. She also extended gratitude to the Embassy for its long-term support and help to ACC. She noted that ACC would like to strengthen communication with all walks of life in Cambodia, along with the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia to make greater contributions to the development of Cambodia-China and ASEAN-China relations.

Ambassador Bu Jianguo introduced the developments of Cambodia-China relations and the work done by the Embassy to promote ASEAN-China relations. She noted that Cambodia and China had enjoyed friendly relations, and Cambodia paid great attention to its relationship with China and expected to deepen beneficial cooperation with all sectors of China. ACC, as an inter-governmental organization, had played a unique role. She hoped ACC could continue to act as a bridge of communication and cooperation to inject new impetus to the development of Cambodia-China and ASEAN-China relations. The Chinese Embassy would keep close contact with ACC as usual and explore new opportunities of practical cooperation to bring tangible benefits to the two peoples.