ACC Secretary-General Met with Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 1 July 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with H.E. Mr. Tran Vinh Tuyen, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee of Viet Nam. Mr. Zhou Tong, Acting Consul-General of China in Ho Chi Minh City attended the meeting. 

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping gave a brief introduction on the mandate of ACC and its efforts to promote ASEAN-China pragmatic cooperation. Highly appraising the social and economic development of Ho Chi Minh City, Secretary-General Yang remarked that as the economic hub of Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh City had played an important role in national construction and development of Viet Nam, as well as in the development of Viet Nam-China and ASEAN-China relations. ACC was committed to strengthening practical cooperation and friendly contacts among peoples. The purpose of the visit of the Chinese media delegation organized by ACC was to help the Chinese people get a better understanding of Viet Nam and Ho Chi Minh City in particular. ACC would keep close contact with Ho Chi Minh City and jointly push forward its cooperation with China'sprovinces and cities for the further development of Viet Nam-China and ASEAN-China cooperation.    

Vice Chairman Tran Vinh Tuyen extended warm welcome to Secretary-General Yang and the Chinese media delegation organized by ACC, and spoke highly of the work done by ACC in boosting Viet Nam-China and ASEAN-China practical cooperation. He noted that ASEAN-China cooperation had achieved fruitful results in recent years. Viet Nam attached great importance to the traditional friendship with China and looked forward to the further advancement of Viet Nam-China relations. Ho Chi Minh City was willing to maintain close contact with the relevant provinces and cities of China and to organize together various forms of activities. It was hoped that ACC could continuously render support to Ho Chi Minh City in its efforts to hold large-scale commodities fair and tourism promotion event.