ACC Secretary-General Met with the Chinese Media Delegation

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 2 July 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with the Chinese media delegation, which was taking a reporting trip in Ho Chi Minh City and had an interaction with the reporters. Ms. Cao Ting, Deputy Director of the Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, attended the discussionAfter introducing the mandates of ACC and its efforts to promote functional cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture, and tourism, Secretary-General Yang said that 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the Year of ASEAN-China Educational Exchange. It was also the first year of the establishment of ASEAN Community and China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20). This offered a new historical opportunity for the development of ASEAN-China relations, calling for joint efforts of both sides. Media, as an important bridge and bond to help boost mutual understanding and friendly feelings between the people, played an indispensible role in consolidating the social foundation for ASEAN-China relations. She hoped that the members of the media delegation will make full use of this reporting trip for better understanding and wider coverage of historical and cultural traditions and social-economic development of ASEAN countries, and its friendly communication with China in all fields to inject new life and positive energy to ASEAN-China relations. ACC would, as always, firmly support and assist the communication between the media of both sides.

The members of the delegation all expressed gratitude to ACC for organizing this reporting trip to ASEAN, saying that the substantial progress in ASEAN-China relations had brought fruitful achievements in cooperation in all fields and tangible benefits to the people since the establishment of ASEAN-China dialogue relations.

With the realization of ASEAN Community, Chinese people have paid more attention on ASEAN. It was the responsibility and duty of media to help strengthen understanding between ASEAN and each ASEAN Member State, and provide real and objective information to the Chinese people for their valuable reference in doing business, studying and touring in ASEAN countries. She hoped that the platforms set up by ACC would facilitate better connectivity, institutionalize more channels of cooperation and promote more visits and exchanges.

Secretary-General Yang also exchanged ideas with the reporters on the development of ASEAN-China relations, prospects of functional cooperation and closer communication between journalists.

The reporting trip of Chinese media delegation to Cambodia and Viet Nam was one of the series of activities conducted by ACC to commemorate the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. The media group included eight members from, China Daily, China Report, China-ASEAN Panorama, 21st Century Business Herald, Caijing Magazine, China Business News, and Guangxi Daily.