Governor Lin Duo of Gansu Province Met with Guests of Lanzhou Fair

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 7 July 2016, H.E. Mr. Lin Duo, Governor of Gansu Province met with guests attending the 22nd China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair. H.E. Mr. Vuthichai Duangratana, Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce and Special Representative of Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr. Philippe Scholtes, Managing Director of UNIDO, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre, H.E. Mme. Magdalene Teo, Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to China, Ms. Rhenita Rodriguez, Minister Counselor of the Philippines Embassy to China as well as Diplomatic Representative from Thailand, Viet Nam and Lao PDR attended the meeting. H.E. Mr. Li Rongcan, Vice Governor of Gansu were seated at the meeting.  

Governor Lin Duo welcomed all the guests to attend the Lanzhou Fair and thanked for their support. With the theme of Open, Exploration, Cooperation and Development, and Building Belt and Road, Promoting Mutual Benefit and Win-win, he said that this session of Lanzhou Fair was aimed at comprehensive implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, serving China’s overall strategy of opening up to the west. Governor Lin pointed out that Gansu was since the ancient time an important province linking the Central and West Asia along the Silk Road and had economic and cultural communication with those countries. Gansu had a profound historical and splendid cultural heritage with diversified biological and abundant natural resources. Under the background of accelerating implementation of Belt and Road Initiative, Gansu was now strengthening communication and mutually beneficial cooperation with countries along the silk road in sectors including new material, new energy, information communication technology and advanced equipment manufacturing industry based on its featured industry and geological advantage and striving to build a frontier of opening up to the West on the Silk Road Economic Belt. It wished to speed up development and in the meantime to enhance comprehensive cooperation with relevant countries. It was expected that through this great occasion of regional cooperation, the Lanzhou Fair would establish a platform and show window for economic cooperation between the northwestern part of China and the nearby countries so as to further fueling up the economic and social development of Gansu Province. 

On behalf of all the guests, H.E. Mr. Vuthichai Duangratana extent appreciation to Gansu for its heartfelt invitation and for the efforts it made in organizing the Lanzhou Fair. He said that Thailand would take the opportunity of being the guest of honor at this session to strengthen economic and trade relations with Gansu as well as other Chinese provinces. He wished the Fair a complete success. 

H.E. Mme. Magdalene Teo said that she felt much honored to be invited by ACC to participate in the Lanzhou Fair and ASEAN-China Economic and Technological Cooperation Lanzhou Forum. She wished to take this opportunity to enhance communication and explore business opportunities with Chinese and ASEAN governmental agencies and business communities. The Halal food certification was very strict and world famous in Brunei. Gansu has a large population of Muslim and hence a great potential for Halal food industry. Brunei would like to expand cooperation with Gansu in Halal food and tourism and to benefit both peoples.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said that ACC was the only inter-governmental organization between the 10 ASEAN countries and China. ACC had been actively implementing the important consensus reached by the leaders of both sides. As one-stop information and activities centre, ACC had been dedicated to promoting functional cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture, tourism and other sectors with substantial outcomes. She thanked Gansu Province for its great support to the work of ACC and expressed her wish to continuously close coordination with all walks of life in Gansu to make further contributions to the in-depth development of ASEAN-China and ASEAN-Gansu functional cooperation.

Lanzhou Fair has been successfully held for 21 sessions since its first session in 1993 with enlarging scale and increasing numbers of participating countries and enterprises. It has now become one of the most influential trade and investment expo in middle and western part of China.