ACC Secretary-General Gives Interviews to Gansu Media

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 9 July 2016, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping gave interview to Gansu TV and Lanzhou People’s Radio Broadcast Station during her participation in the ASEAN-China Economic and Technological Cooperation Lanzhou Forum and answered questions about deepening ASEAN-China functional cooperation and the role of Lanzhou Fair.

Secretary-General Yang said that this year marked the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and the Year of Educational Exchange. ACC had taken this opportunity to organize a series of activities. In future, ACC would continue to enhance collaboration with all parties to play the role as a bridge in deepening ASEAN-China all-round functional cooperation. 

She said that since its first session more than 20 years ago, Lanzhou Fair had started from scratch and become more and more influential. It had established an important platform for expanding economic and trade cooperation between China’s western and central provinces along the Silk Road. ACC had set up a pavilion at this session of Lanzhou Fair, which had attracted not only many ASEAN enterprises, but also companies from Nepal, Turkey, France and so on. This had fully demonstrated their interest in ASEAN-China economic relations. Gansu has a long history and rich natural and cultural heritage. It enjoyed huge potential in strengthening cultural and tourism cooperation with ASEAN countries. ACC would like to have further communication and work together with Gansu in order to make more contributions to ASEAN-Gansu cultural and people-to-people communication and benefit the people.