Secretaries-General of ACC, AJC and AKC Exchanged Views

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 4 August 2016, the 19th ASEAN Plus Three (10+3) Conference of Ministers of Economy and Trade was held in Vientiane. On the margins of the conference, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), exchanged views with H.E. Mr. Masakata Fujita, Secretary-General of ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC), and H.E. Mr. Kim Yeong-seon, Secretary-General of ASEAN-Korea (AKC).

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said that it was the first time for the ASEAN Plus Three (10+3) Conference of Ministers of Economy and Trade to invite Secretaries-General of the three centres to brief on issues such as supporting capability building for small and medium-sized enterprises, which reflected the 13 countries’ support and expectations for the centres. ACC had been actively promoting cooperation among the three centres, and invited teenagers from Japan and Korea to participate in the First ASEAN-China Summer Camp. The students took part in various impressive activities in Beijing and Tianjin. ACC was ready to continue enhancing communication with AJC and AKC and promoting further cooperation.

Secretary-General Masakata Fujita and Secretary-General Kim Yeong-seon said with appreciation that ACC had been implementing the consensus reached at the informal meetings of Secretaries-General of three centres. They looked forward to working with ACC to host a variety of activities.