Cultural Tour on ASEAN-China Traditional Medicine Exchange opened in Chinese Culture Centre in Bangkok

Source:ASEAN-China Centre


On 6 August 2016, Cultural Tour on ASEAN-China Traditional Medicine Exchange, jointly organized by ASEAN-China Centre and Chinese Cultural Centre in Bangkok, opened in Thailand. 

Mme. Cai Xianghong, Associate Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine delivered lecture on the basic knowledge of Tradition Chinese Medicine and conduct consultations for the audience. She introduced in layman’s language of the four methods of diagnosis including observation, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, pulse feeling and palpation of TCM and related basic theory. The lecture was conducted in an interactive way and active atmosphere, which was very well welcomed by the audience.

The Cultural Tour on ASEAN-China Traditional Medicine Exchange is a featured cultural exchange activity carried out by ACC with an aim to commemorate the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations and promote ASEAN-China traditional medicine exchange and cooperation through cultural programs closely related to people’s daily life.

Mme. Cai will have exchange with Thai professionals on TCM and conduct lectures in Lao PDR.