ACC Participated in JD Fresh--Global Taste Signing Ceremony

Source:ASEAN-China Centre


On 16 August 2016, the JD Fresh--Global Taste Signing Ceremony was held in the headquarter of JD Group in Beijing. JD is one of the leading e-commerce companies in China. Ambassadors and  Counsellors from 15 countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Spain, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, the UK etc. attended the ceremony. Mr. Li Yuan, Director of Trade and Investment Division of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the ceremony upon invitation. 

Mr. Wang Xiaosong, President of JD Fresh delivered a speech. He introduced the basic situation of China’s fresh market. He hoped that through JD’s effort, Chinese customers would be provided with a great  opportunity to taste healthy, safe, and delicious fresh food from all over the world at home. Ambassadors of Chile, Ecuador, South Africa and Spain introduced the features of the fresh food of their respective countries. They hoped to have closer economic relationship with China through JD’s channel. 

Benefited from the policies of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), the trade and investment volume of food between China and ASEAN has been increasing rapidly. ASEAN is China’s second biggest food trading partner by now and the cooperation keeps on deepening in all-round dimensions. ASEAN is one of the most important food import destination for China. Its fruits, vegetables, as well as seafood are becoming more and more popular in China. Currently, as e-commerce is developing very fast, ASEAN-China fresh food trade is catching up with the good opportunity. ACC is committed to contributing its bridging role for strengthening ASEAN-China e-commerce cooperation.