ACC Secretary-General Visited Guangxi Daily

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 12 September 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping,  Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), visited Guangxi Daily and met with Mr. Ye Leyang, President and Editor-in-Chief of Guangxi Daily in Nanning. Mr. Xia Haicheng, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Guangxi Daily and Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of the Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, attended the meeting.

Mr. Ye Leyang gave a brief on the history of Guangxi Daily and the scope of its work, saying that Guangxi Daily has been making constant efforts to back up the opening up policy of China and Guangxi Autonomous Region and meet the demand of China-ASEAN and Guangxi-ASEAN cooperation. The newspaper has set up a special desk dedicated to ASEAN news and devoted a column entitled “Opening Up and Window on ASEAN” that focuses on China-ASEAN cooperation that puts the China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) in the spotlight and helps blaze new trails in cooperation between mainstream media of China and ASEAN. He spoke highly of ACC’s efforts to promote China-ASEAN functional cooperation in relevant areas and expressed gratitude to ACC for its great support to Guangxi Daily, especially for inviting its journalist to join the reporting trip of a Chinese media delegation to ASEAN in 2016. Guangxi Daily looked forward to expand its exchange and cooperation with ASEAN media through the platforms set up by ACC. 

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping commended on Guangxi Daily’s commitment to promoting friendly exchange and cooperation between ASEAN and China. She noted that ACC attached great importance to the work related to information and public relations, kept close contact with mainstream media in ASEAN countries and organized exchange of visit of media delegations between ASEAN and China. Guangxi, standing at the forefront of ASEAN-China friendly exchange and cooperation, had been playing a unique role in promoting sustained and in-depth development of the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership. ACC was ready to further exchange and cooperation with Guangxi Daily, strengthen the understanding and friendship between the people of both sides, and consolidate the social foundation of friendly relations at the grass-root level to make greater contributions to ASEAN-China and ASEAN-Guangxi cooperation.