ACC Secretary-General Met with AKC Secretary General

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 18 September 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with H.E. Mr. Kim Young-sun, Secretary General of ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) in Xi’an and exchanged views on recent works.

Secretary General Kim Young-sun expressed his appreciation for ACC’s invitation to attend the ASEAN Film Week to be held on 19-23 September 2016 in Xi’an. He commended that the ASEAN Film Week, to be held during the 3rd Silk Road International Film Festival by ACC, would help more people to learn about the development of ASEAN film industry. Exchanges between AKC and ACC had become ever more frequent since this year. The two Centres, upon invitation, sent officials to participate in and learn experience from each other’s activities in cultural and tourism fields, and organized college students to join ASEAN-Korea Youth Network Workshop and ASEAN-China Youth Summer Camp hosted by the two Centres respectively. 2017 was designated as the ASEAN-Korea Cultural Exchange Year and AKC was preparing relevant activities. AKC would like to further strengthen exchanges and experience sharing with ACC, with a view to jointly promoting practical cooperation with ASEAN.  

Secretary-General Yang welcomed the participation of AKC delegation in the ASEAN Film Week. She said that the Film Week was initiated and co-hosted by ACC to mark the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, to establish a new platform for cultural exchanges, and to boost common development of film industries of both sides. The Film Week was widely welcomed by ASEAN countries. ACC attached great importance to the exchanges with AKC. This year the two Centres witnessed new progress in mutual visits, experience sharing on cultural and tourism projects, youth exchanges, etc. 2017 would be the ASEAN-China Tourism Cooperation Year, as well as the 50th anniversary of ASEAN. ACC would take this opportunity to make new contributions to ASEAN-China functional cooperation with a pioneering spirit. ACC would like to maintain the good momentum of exchanges with AKC and join hands to contribute to the development of this region.