ASEAN Media Delegation Visited Ruili
Source: ASEAN-China Centre
Time: 2016-Oct-27 19:01

On 27 October 2016, the ASEAN media delegation reporting on the theme of “Jointly Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” arrived at Ruili City of Yunnan Province and made site visits to Wanding and Ruili Ports of Entry, the Foreigners Service and Administrative Centre of Ruili, the Yunnan Minzu University Ruili International Vocational Education Training Base, an assembly plant of Yinxiang Group, and Yin Jing Village across the China-Myanmar border to report on the achievements of Ruili as China's largest inland port of entry in its opening-up to ASEAN countries.

Wanding, located at the junction of Yunnan-Myanmar Road and China-India Road, is a hub for transportation of passengers and goods between China and Myanmar. According to the briefing by Mr. Zhang Zida, Vice Director of Publicity of Ruili, around one million inhabitants of the border area cross the Wanding Port. The aggregate import and export volume amounts to RMB 800 million annually. The ASEAN journalists witnessed the friendly exchanges of people and interflow of commodities, as testimonials to the close relations and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries.

Ruili is the largest border crossing between China and Myanmar, with the town of Muse  located across the border. Mr. Yang Hongliang, Deputy Director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Ruili and concurrently Deputy Director of Administrative Office of the Ruili Port said that since its opening in 1987, the Port has covered more than 60 percent of the trade volume between Yunnan and Myanmar, equivalent to 30 percent of China’s total trade volume with Myanmar. With an aim to better facilitate customs clearance, the Port has provided one-stop paperless service and initiated “multi-channel in one port” model.


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