ACC Secretary-General Met with MISIS Delegation

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 13 October 2016, ACC Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with delegation of Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS). She exchanged views with H.E. U Wynn Lwin, Senior Member of MISIS on ASEAN-China cooperation and China-Myanmar practical cooperation. 

Secretary-General Yang briefed on ACC’s mandate and work. She said that ASEAN-China relations developed with great momentum since its dialogue relations established 25 years ago, which had brought real benefits to 2 billion people and regional development and prosperity. With regard to the 25th anniversary of dialogue relations and the Year of Educational Exchange, ACC had carried out a variety of activities. 2017 would be 50th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN and the Year of ASEAN-China Tourism Cooperation. ACC would take this opportunity to further promote ASEAN-China all-round practical cooperation for the well-being of the people. China and Myanmar were connected by mountains and rivers. Both countries enjoyed time-honored “Paukphaw” friendship. ACC would like to enhance communication and cooperation with MISIS and jointly contribute wisdom and strength to ASEAN-China and China-Myanmar relations.

H.E. U Wynn Lwin spoke highly about Myanmar-China relations and ACC’s role in promoting ASEAN-China relations. He said that Myanmar’s new government adopted a more proactive foreign policy and wished to further deepen practical cooperation in many areas with China. As an important think tank in Myanmar, MISIS would like to have more engagement with ACC and make greater contribution to Myanmar-China and ASEAN-China relations.

MISIS was founded in 1992. As a major international relations and foreign policy research institution, MISIS aimed at providing intellectual support and policy recommendations to the government.