ACC Secretary-General Met with Director of Publicity Department of Taicang City

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 20 October 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mr. Wei Guoling, Director of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party Committee of Taicang City.

Secretary-General Yang thanked Taicang City for its support to the ASEAN media delegation’s reporting trip on the theme of “Jointly Building 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” and gave a briefing on ACC’s mandates. She noted that Taicang was a key port of the Ancient Maritime Silk Road. The joint construction and promotion of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road offers Taicang new opportunities to expand its cooperation with ASEAN. The ASEAN journalists showed keen interest in the social-economic development of Taicang and the operation of Taicang Port. She trusted that the reporters will play positive roles in raising Taicang’s profile in ASEAN countries. ACC will maintain close contact with Taicang and provide more platforms for Taicang’s better access to ASEAN so as to synergize efforts to move forward ASEAN-China relations. 

Mr. Wei Guoling thanked ACC, the State Council Information Office of China, and the China Report Magazine for bringing the ASEAN Media Delegation to Taicang. He quoted that Taicang  is blessed with profound cultural heritage,enviable geographic location, and remarkable vitality of social-economic development. The port from which Zheng He set sail for his historic voyages to the "Western" (Indian) Ocean has now become a starting city of the 21th Century Maritime Silk Road. Taicang’s affinity with sea transportation makes it all the more eager to integrate itself in the One Belt One Road Initiative and closer cooperation with ASEAN countries in the context of opening up wider to the outside world. It looks forward to ACC’s continued support to the development of Taicang and its further cooperation with ASEAN countries.