ACC Secretary-General Met with President of HOdo Group

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 22 October 2016, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mr. Zhou Haijiang, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and President of HOdo Group, in Wuxi. Mr. Chen Jiangang, Vice President of the Group, and Ms. Dai Yue’e, Deputy Director of the Group’s project in the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), attended the meeting.

Mr. Zhou Haijiang gave a briefing on the operation and history of HOdo Group and highlighted its investment in the SSEZ. He cited that the construction of the SSEZ, a benchmark project in the Belt and Road construction, has been fully affirmed by the leaders of China and Cambodia. The project served as a role model for the concrete cooperation between the two countries. In the process of the construction of SSEZ,HOdo has been actively engaged in public welfare and charity in the area by building schools, roads and bridges, offering medical consultation and treatments, and donating teaching equipments. It has also formed a team of volunteers for the public welfare in the SSEZ that has won wide acclamation. HOdo is now on a new starting point to double its efforts to act on the consensus of the leaders to expedite the construction of the SSEZ, building it into a livable new city comparable with the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone of China.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping spoke highly of the achievements of the SSEZ and its role in promoting ASEAN-China and Cambodia-China relations and expressed her appreciation of HOdo Group’s sense of social responsibility and efforts to improve the welfare of local citizens in Cambodia. She praised the site-visit to HOdo Group is one of important schedule of the ASEAN media delegation’s reporting trip to China, a flagship project co-organized by ACC and the State Council Information Office of China. The aim of the site-visit is to raise the profile of HOdo Group in the public and promulgate achievements of the Belt and Road construction as a win-win initiative. It is among ACC’s key mandates to promote cooperation in trade and investment. ACC is willing to continue to take full advantage of its position to play its role as a bridge to promote alignment of the enterprises of both sides so as to make fresh contributions to the enduring and deepening development of ASEAN-China relations.