ACC Attended the 2016 Nanning Zhongguancun Conference On the Development of Health Industry

Source:ASEAN-China Centre


On 19 November 2016, the 2016 Nanning Zhongguancun Conference on the Development of the Health Industry was held in Nanning. The conference was on the theme of Converge Resources and Cooperative Development with the aim to follow up the trend of the health industry development, probe into the innovation of the fundamentals of health, and promote common development of health service and health industry. The creation of innovation mode of China-ASEAN cooperation on health industry, especially bio-pharmaceutical industry, was one of the major discussions in the conference.

Mr. Sun Jianhua, Deputy Director for Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC, attended the conference as a representative of ACC. 

Ms. Wu Juan, Deputy Mayor of Nanning, Mr. Dai Tao, Deputy Director of Medical and Health Science and Technology Research Centre of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and Mr. Lin Weijiang, Deputy Director of Intellectual Property Office of Guangxi, said that Guangxi is known for good health, longevity, and abundant resources of traditional medicine. Well known as Storehouse of Natural Medicine, Gene Pool of Biological Resources, and Home of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nanning has good basic conditions for the development of health industry. Thus, Nanning should seize the opportunity to accelerate its health industry and make it an important engine to drive local economic development. In addition, Nanning should also fully utilize the geographical advantage of Guangxi so as to enhance health exchange and cooperation with ASEAN countries. 

Mr. Sun briefed on the efforts of ACC to promote medical and health exchange and cooperation between the two sides. He said that as China and ASEAN had concluded the 1st ASEAN-China Health Cooperation Forum and announced the Nanning Statement of China-ASEAN Health Cooperation and Development, the conference on the development of health industry would therefore be conducive to further exploring the potentials, converging resources and promoting the common development of health industries of the two sides. ACC will continue to work with relevant parties to bring new contributions to ASEAN-China functional cooperation. 

At the opening ceremony of the conference, Deputy Director Sun joined Deputy Mayor Wu Juan and other guests to unveil the plaques for the Nanning ASEAN Health Industry Exchange Centre and other health industry research and exchange institutions.