ACC Secretary-General and Indonesian Ambassador to China Exchanged Views with the Deputy Director of Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:An

On 6 April 2017, H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo, Indonesian Ambassador to China, and H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met and exchanged views with Mme. Ma Naixin, Deputy Director of Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office. Mr. Santo Darmosumarto, Counsellor of Indonesian Embassy in China, Mme. Yang Limei, Chief of Protocol and Coordination Division of Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, attended the meeting.

Deputy Director Ma congratulated Ambassador Soegeng on the successful lecture. She briefed that, Qinghai, as an important province in western China, is featured with unique geographical advantages in the Belt and Road Initiative, and has vast cooperation potential with Indonesia and other ASEAN Member States. At the opportunity of this visit of Ambassador Soegeng and Secretary-General Yang, the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office would like to enhance the communication with Indonesian Embassy in China and ACC, and increase friendly exchanges with ASEAN Member States. She welcomed all the interested partners in Indonesia and other ASEAN Member States to participate in Qinghai China Investment and Trade Fair for Green Development held in Xining in June 2017 so as to explore ways and means for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Ambassador Soegeng thanked Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office for the thoughtful arrangements, and opined that this visit deepened his understanding of Qinghai. He was much impressed by the socio-economic achievements and promising future of Qinghai. The Indonesian Embassy in China would maintain the contacts with Qingha with the aim to pushing forward the practical cooperation with Qinghai.

Secretary-General Yang appreciated the supports and assistance of Qinghai Provincial Foreign Affairs Office to ACC. She opined that local exchanges and cooperation is vital for China-ASEAN relations and the work of ACC. ACC would like to facilitate the exchanges and cooperation between Qinghai and ASEAN, and continue to make progress in the cooperation between China and ASEAN, and between Qinghai and ASEAN.