ACC Secretary-General Met with Philippine Consul-General in Chongqing and Director of Trade Promotion Office in Chongqing of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:An

On 9 June 2017, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Ms. Olivia V. Palala, Philippine Consul-General in Chongqing, and Ms. Dao Viet Anh, Director of Trade Promotion Office in Chongqing of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam. Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, attended the meeting.

Secretary-General Yang commended the tremendous efforts they made for Chongqing’s foreign exchanges and cooperation and ASEAN-China relations. She gave a brief overview of ASEAN-China relations and the achievements of bilateral cooperation. She stated that this year marks the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation, which have provided opportunities for both sides to deepen cooperation. ACC is committed to facilitating local exchanges and cooperation between ASEAN and China and would like to maintain close contacts with the Philippine Consulate-General in Chongqing and Trade Promotion Office in Chongqing of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam to jointly raise ASEAN-China and Chongqing-China relations to a new level to benefit both peoples.

Consul-General Olivia and Director Dao Viet Anh spoke highly of the positive contributions ACC made to promoting ASEAN-China practical cooperation. They gave brief overviews of their institutes and the exchanges between their countries and Chongqing. They emphasized that Chongqing is an important city located in western China with dynamic socio-economic development. Chongqing has strong desire to expand exchanges and cooperation with the Philippines, Viet Nam and other ASEAN countries. The exchanges have become increasingly frequent. Both of them looked forward to close contacts with ACC to jointly push forward cooperation in various fields.