The Opening Ceremony of the Preparation Workshop for SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme Held in Guiyang

Source:China-ASEAN Centre Author:An

On 30 July 2017, the Preparation Workshop for SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme, co-hosted by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), organized by Guizhou Polytechnic of Construction (GPC), was held in Guiyang. H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ACC, Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Ms. Gong Ning, Deputy Inspector of Guizhou Provincial Department of Education and Mr. Lu Yuan, Party Secretary of GPC participated in the opening ceremony and delivered remarks. The workshop was also attended by more than 150 participants including Mr. Liu Baoli, Executive Secretary-General of China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW) Organizing Committee, and Mr. Paryono, Deputy Director of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training (VOCTECH), as well as representatives from vocational colleges of China and ASEAN countries.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said that China and ASEAN countries attach great importance to the development and international cooperation of vocational and technical education and training, vigorously cultivating skilled professionals, positively promoting international cooperation and exchanges in relevant areas. Promoting exchanges between vocational education institutions of ASEAN and China is one of the flagship projects of ACC. ACC is working closely with SEAMEO and other important partners to tap the vast potential in this area. The SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme is a well-designed programme focusing on practical cooperation in the areas of teacher exchanges, student mobility and online cultural twinning classrooms. It is believed that it will strengthen the foundation of our collaboration, broaden the channel of exchanges, enrich our cooperation and make collective contribution to the development of TVET in the region. ACC will continue to play its role as a one-stop information and activities centre, and stand ready to work with all partners and stakeholders to lift ASEAN-China educational cooperation to a new height.

Director Gatot stated that vocational education is one of the seven priorities of SEAMEO. Through cross-border education centre, projects with vocational partners, online forums, meetings, lectures and digital classrooms, taking Southeast Asian TVET Consortium as a platform, SEAMEO has been actively promoting regional vocational education development. It is expected that SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme will further enhance collaboration between vocational colleges in Southeast Asia and China.

Deputy Inspector Gong Ning briefed on the vocational education in Guizhou province, stating that vocational education is significant for promoting employment, boosting economy, eliminating poverty and ensuring social fairness and harmony. She hoped that through this preparation workshop, it will deepen and reinforce ASEAN-China vocational education exchanges and cooperation. Guizhou Provincial Department of Education will continue to actively support relevant cooperation programmes of TVET colleges. Party Secretary Lu Yuan of GPC briefed on its development situation and exchanges with the counterparts of ASEAN countries, he hoped to continuously take the platform co-established by SEAMEO and ACC, fully play its advantage to contribute to ASEAN-China vocational education cooperation and culture exchanges.

The two-day Preparation Workshop for SEAMEO-China TVET Cultural Twinning Programme included opening session, keynote speechs, pair discussion, development of agreements and action plans, closing session and study visit, implemented the cooperation intension to concrete action by information linking and face-to-face exchanges, to promote a long-term cooperation relations between vocational education institutions of ASEAN and China, facilitate construction capabilities of ASEAN-China vocational education institutions and expand mutual exchanges and cooperation, so as to realize common development.