2017 "ASEAN-China Day" Fair Presented Colourful Activities

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 20 July 2017, with a view to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and to promote ASEAN-China people-to-people and cultural exchanges, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (BPAFFC) and the People’s Government of Beijing Xicheng District jointly organized the 2017 ASEAN-China Day Fair at Yuetan Yaji Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre. Ms. Kong Roatlomang, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division and representative of ACC Secretary-General Yang Xiuping, H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo, Ambassador of Indonesia, and Mr. Liyi, Deputy Mayor of Beijing Xicheng District delivered remarks respectively. Mme. Tian Yan, the Standing Vice President of BPAFFC, H.E. Mrs. Vandy Bouthasavong, Ambassador of Lao PDR, H.E. Mr. Thit Linn Ohn, Ambassador of Myanmar and his wife, H.E. Mr. Loh Ka Leung, Ambassador of Singapore, representatives from the Embassies of Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, officials from the Asian Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and representatives from various sectors in both ASEAN and China, totaling around 150 people, attended the event.

Ms. Kong Roatlomang read the remarks of Secretary-General Yang Xiuping. In the remarks, Secretary-General Yang said, since its founding, ASEAN has grown from strength to strength and become an important force for regional and global peace, development and prosperity. The establishment of ASEAN Community has injected fresh and strong impetus to regional cooperation in Asia. At present, ASEAN is actively implementing Vision 2025 with a view to elevating and deepening ASEAN Community building. The frequent people-to-people and cultural exchanges have become a new bright spot in ASEAN-China relations. Both sides have jointly built the Belt and Road and promote people-to-people connectivity. ACC has organized rich and colourful activities to promote practical cooperation in areas such as education, culture and tourism. She hoped that the ASEAN-China Day Fair could provide opportunities to demonstrate the unique cultures of both ASEAN and China, in particular the achievements of intangible cultural heritage and handicrafts preservation as part of the efforts to promote mutual learning of ASEAN and Chinese cultures.

Ambassador Soegeng Rahardjo thanked ACC for hosting this event. He mentioned that over the past 50 years, ASEAN countries have established mutual trust through dialogue, and maintained diversity and unique national interests on this basis. The relations between ASEAN countries and China have had a long history. Indonesia is a country along the ancient Maritime Silk Road. The story of Zheng He’s voyages is part of Indonesia’s folklore. He said, in recent years, ASEAN and China have made great achievements in social and cultural cooperation and hoped that against the backdrop of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN, this commemorative activity could create new opportunities and ideas for cooperation of ASEAN and China and in a broader perspective, tie the people worldwide in a common dream for peace, prosperity and progress.

Mr. Li Yi, Deputy Mayor of Xicheng District, said that in line with the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the building of Belt and Road, ASEAN and China have synergized development strategies, enhanced practical cooperation and explored new areas of converging interests. Xicheng District has worked in line with China’s foreign policy with neighbouring countries and made good use of the unique cultural resources to carry out rich and colourful cultural activities with ASEAN. He hoped that the ASEAN-China Day Fair could further deepen the friendship and expand cooperation between the Xicheng District and ASEAN countries to fulfill local foreign affairs missions and national diplomacy at the same time.

Focusing on intangible cultural heritages preservation and development, the ASEAN-China Day Fair presented Chinese intangible Cultural Heritage Performances, the ASEAN Cultural Heritage Handicrafts Exhibition, the Beijing-ASEAN Cultural Tour Photo Exhibition, and the Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills Demonstration. In the fair, artists and children played martial arts, Kunqu Opera, Guqin and calligraphy and magic show, which won rounds of applause of the guests. In an active and light atmosphere, the guests experienced the unique charm of traditional Chinese and ASEAN cultures and discussed the broad prospects of China-ASEAN friendly exchanges and cooperation.