ACC Secretary-General Met with Officials of Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government and the Management of Zhengzhou University

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 19 September 2017, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mr. Zheng Bangshan, Deputy Party Secretary of Leading Group of Party Committee of Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government, Mr. Rong Xihai, Assistant Director-General of Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government, Mr. Jia Shaoxin, Deputy Party Secretary of CPC Zhengzhou University Committee, and Mr. Han Guohe, Vice President of Zhengzhou University, and exchanged views on ASEAN-China and ASEAN-Henan education cooperation. Mr. Cai Hong, Deputy Consultant of International Exchanges and Cooperation Division of Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government, Mr. Zou Tao, Principal Staff Member of International Exchanges and Cooperation Division of Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government, Mr. Liu Jianhua, Director of International Exchanges and Cooperation Division of Zhengzhou University, Ms. Sun Xuelian, Section Chief of International Exchanges and Cooperation Division of Zhengzhou University, Ms. Kong Roatlomang, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC, and Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, attended the event.

Secretary-General Yang thanked Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government and Zhengzhou University for their active assistance in organizing the 2nd ASEAN-China Youth Forum in Zhengzhou. She briefed on ACC’s work on promoting ASEAN-China exchanges and cooperation in education, youth and other areas. She said that ACC regards education as one of its priority areas, and actively supports youth exchanges so as to cultivate more successors of ASEAN-China friendly causes. She hoped that this forum could enhance mutual understanding and friendship between ASEAN and Chinese students, and provide a useful platform for Henan to expand exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries. 

Officials of Education Department of Henan Provincial People’s Government and Zhengzhou University respectively briefed on their exchanges with ASEAN countries and related universities. They stated that Henan possesses the largest population of enrolled students and has attached importance to education over the years. In recent years, Henan has actively conducted education exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries, including joint education programmes with Malaysia, the Philippines and other ASEAN countries, and sending a large number of Chinese professors and volunteers to Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines and other ASEAN countries, and taking an active part in China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week. Zhengzhou University has worked to strengthen friendly exchanges with ASEAN countries and achieved substantive outcomes in inter-university cooperation, exchanges between faculty and students, academic research and so on. By holding the 2nd ASEAN-China Youth Forum, the university wishes to enhance contacts with ACC, and make good use of the platform and resources provided by ACC to open up new prospects in education cooperation with ASEAN countries.