ACC Secretary-General Exchanged Views with Representatives of Committee of Permanent Representatives of ASEAN

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 8 July 2017, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), exchanged views with Representatives of Committee of Permanent Representatives of ASEAN in Jakarta. Permanent Representatives to ASEAN from Brunei, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Viet Nam, and Counselor Minister from Indonesian Permanent Mission to ASEAN attended the event. 

Secretary-General Yang appreciated the long-term supports and assistance the Committee offered to ACC, and outlined this year’s work of ACC. She stated that encompassing the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the Year of China-ASEAN Tourism Cooperation, ACC is actively implementing the 19 flagship projects approved by sixth meeting of Joint Council held in last November, in which, ACC has already organized the International Symposium on Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN, ASEAN-China Quality and Sustainable Tourism Development Conference in Conjunction with ASEAN Photo Exhibition, Beijing ASEAN Cultural Tours, Mutual Visits between ASEAN and China’s Journalists, and Chinese Trade and Investment Missions to ASEAN, ASEAN-China Seminar on Academic Research and Exchanges between Hainan and ASEAN and so on, all of which have gained good effects. ACC would continue to make more contributions with innovations and activeness to ASEAN-China practical cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture, tourism and media. ACC expects to have as strong supports as it had before from the Committee, and is willing to listen to suggestions and comments from the Committee, so as to better serve ACC’s mission. 

H.E. Ambassador Elizabeth P. Buensuceso, Permanent Representative of the Philippines, this year’s rotating chair country of ASEAN, warmly welcomed Secretary-General Yang to Jakarta, and highly commended tremendous efforts ACC made for ASEAN-China friendly exchanges and cooperation. She stated that the Committee maintains good contacts with ACC, and expected to join hands with ACC to raise bilateral practical cooperation to a new level. Permanent Representatives offered their constructive suggestions and comments, and exchanged views with Secretary-General Yang on the upcoming seventh meeting of Joint Council in this year.