ACC Organized A Familiarisation Trip to Chinese Media

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 25 July 2017, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organized a Familiarisation Trip to China Report and Xinhua Net. Information officers from Embassies of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, and journalists from The Star of Malaysia, Zao Bao and Strait Times of Singapore participated in the event. 

In the morning, the delegation visited China Report and had a discussion with the management and editors of the magazine. Mr. Vithit Powattanasuk, Director of Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, introduced the delegation, and outlined that 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation. Since both sides’ media have solid foundations for cooperation. ACC, as a one-stop information and activities centre, would like to promote further media cooperation between both sides and push forward bilateral tourism cooperation through media. Mme. Zhao Jun, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Report, warmly welcomed the delegation, and appreciated ACC’s arrangement of such good communication channel for both sides. Mr. Luo Xianyong, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Report, briefed on the magazine’s history, business and goals. He also presented issuance of China Report ASEAN in ASEAN countries, and exchanges and cooperation between China Report and ASEAN media. Mr. Ivan Frank M. Olea, Minister of Embassy of the Philippines, mentioned that he expected more cooperation with Chinese media and more Chinese people learning about the Philippines so as to promote bilateral relations. The delegation had a warm discussion with the management and editors on China-ASEAN media cooperation. Ms. Beh, journalist of The Star of Malaysia, Mr. Lim Yan Liang, Mr. Santo Darmosumarto, Counsellor of the Embassy of Indonesia, Ms. Lee Huan Ying, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Brunei and other participants actively expressed opinions and comments. 

In the afternoon, the delegation visited Xinhua Net where they observed Integrated and Cross Media Newsroom, Overseas Communication Center, Digital Film and Television Production Center, Multi-Media Control Center and Media Convergence Research Lab, experienced demonstrations of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and learned about the operations of the newsroom of multi-language website. The delegation also exchanged views with the management and editors of International News Department and English News Department of Overseas Communication Center. Director Vithit Powattanasuk briefed on ACC’s mandate and work, and expected to build up more platforms for media and promote more practical cooperation so as to achieve common developmentt. Mr. Liu Jiawen, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Xinhua Net presented the cooperation between Xinhua Net and ASEAN, and intensions of future cooperation. According to his presentation, Xinhua Net has already launched three ASEAN country channels, namely Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. For the Indonesian channel in plan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Liu expected supports from the Embassy of Indonesia. Counsellor Santo gave an active response. In addition, other delegation members also delivered their suggestions and opinions respectively. In the warm atmosphere, both sides expressed willingness to maintain closer contacts and expand cooperation areas so as to make more contributions to ASEAN-China relations.