ACC Secretary-General Exchanged Views with Indonesian Ambassador to China

Source:ASEAN–China Centre Author:An

On 15 September 2017, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with H.E. Mr. Soegeng Rahardjo, Chairman of ASEAN Beijing Committee and Indonesian Ambassador to China, at the Secretariat of ACC. Both sides exchanged views on promoting ASEAN-China friendly exchanges and practical cooperation. Mr. Santo Darmosumarto, Counsellor of Indonesian Embassy in China, Ms. Huang Ying, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC, and Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Division of ACC, attended the event.

Secretary-General Yang thanked ASEAN Beijing Committee and Indonesian Embassy in China for their strong supports to ACC all the time, and briefed on ACC’s work encompassing the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and the ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation since this year. She stated that year 2018 marks the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership. In this August, foreign ministers of ASEAN Member States and China welcomed the proposal of designating next year as the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation and together signed revised edition of MoU on Establishing ACC at the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Manila, the Philippines. ACC would continue to maintain closer contacts with ASEAN Beijing Committee, focus on important and priority areas of ASEAN-China cooperation, and substantially promote practical cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture, tourism, and information and media so as to make more contributions to all-round and in-depth development of bilateral relations.

Ambassador Soegeng Rahardjo highly commended the efforts ACC made for deepening both sides’ friendly exchanges and cooperation. He stated that as an intergovernmental organization co-founded by 10 ASEAN Member States and China, ACC actively serves for cooperation demands of various sectors of both sides. The activities have been more colourful and diversified with wider influence in ASEAN and China. ASEAN Beijing Committee and Indonesian Embassy to China would like to maintain close contacts with ACC, fully support ACC’s work, and actively participate in various activities held by ACC. He expected ACC would break new ground in its work.