ACC Secretary-General Met with Chinese Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City

Source:ASEAN–China Centre Author:Liangyu

On 6 September 2017, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Secretary- General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping met with Mr. Chen Dehai, Chinese Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City. Mr. Wang Zhengbao, Chinese Consul in Ho Chi Minh City, Ms. Kong Roatlomang, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC, Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Division of ACC attended.

Consul General Chen briefly introduced the positive progress in exchanges and cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and related provinces and cities in China. He said that China and Viet Nam are close neighbours connected by mountains and rivers, the culture customs of both sides are interlinked, the two countries has a long history of friendly exchanges. Ho Chi Minh City has close contacts with Shanghai, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, and has achieved fruitful cooperation in trade, investment, tourism and other fields. As an inter-governmental organization, ACC has unique advantages in deepening bilateral friendly exchanges and cooperation. ACC has organized many Chinese entrepreneurs and journalists to visit Ho Chi Minh City and set up a useful platform for promoting practical cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and relevant provinces and cities in China. The Consulate-General of China in Ho Chi Minh City is willing to continue to strengthen communication with ACC and to inject new impetus into bilateral cooperation.

Secretary-General Yang briefly introduced the responsibility and recent work by ACC. She said that as a one-stop information and activities centre, ACC has work actively to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of ASEAN and China, and promote practical cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture, tourism, and information and media. Echoing the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and ASEAN-China Year of Tourism Cooperation, ACC has carried out a series of colourful activities, including the tourism seminar to be held during the 13th International Travel Expo Ho Chi Minh City. ACC is willing to continue to be in close cooperation with the Consulate-General of China in Ho Chi Minh City, contribute to the exchanges between Ho Chi Minh City and relevant provinces and cities in China, and benefit the people from both sides.