The 2nd China-ASEAN Entrepreneurs High-level Cooperation Dialogue held in Nanning

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 11 September 2017, the 2nd China-ASEAN Entrepreneurs High-level Cooperation Dialogue was held in Nanning, Guangxi. The dialogue was organized by the CAEXPO Secretariat with the theme “Serving the Belt and Road and building a new structure of China-ASEAN non-governmental capital cooperation in production capacity”. Mr. Pornchai Tarkulwaranont, Vice Minister of Science and Technology of Thailand, Mr. Zhang Xiaoqin, Vice Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Mr. Wang Lei, Secretary-General of the CAEXPO Secretariat and entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN attended the dialogue. Officials of ASEAN-China Centre, upon invitation, attended the event.

In his welcome remarks, Mr. Wang Lei expressed that the CAEXPO Secretariat will continue to provide quality service for the cooperation between China-ASEAN enterprises, exert itself to build bridges and platforms for exchanges and cooperation between governments and businesses as well as among business community, raise the standard of cooperation between enterprises from the two sides and play a greater role in pushing forward the implementation of upgraded version of China-ASEAN FTA and the building of 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

Mr. Pornchai stated that the progress of science and technology and the internet has facilitated the cooperation between enterprises from the two sides. China plays a leading role in information technology, artificial intelligence, internet economy and e-commerce, which provides great opportunities to cooperation between Chinese and ASEAN enterprises. Chinese enterprises are welcome to invest in Thailand and other ASEAN countries so that China’s high technology could bring more benefits to regional economy. Governments from the two sides should work together to open up new horizon for ASEAN-China technology cooperation, promote in-depth development in trade and investment and bring more benefits to the peoples in the region.

Mr. Zhang Xiaoqin outlined the cooperation achievements between China and ASEAN in recent years and stressed that enterprises are major force of practical economic and trade cooperation between the two sides. The two sides should make full use of China-ASEAN Enterprises Association for information exchange, learning from each other and integrating resources, tackle challenges and explore new markets and cooperation areas altogether. Guangxi will continue to provide favorable business environment and build more cooperation platforms for ASEAN enterprises.

Entrepreneurs from China and ASEAN shared their development experiences and stated that they will take full advantage of platforms such as China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Enterprises Association to proactively participate in the building of the Belt and Road, expand exchanges and cooperation between enterprises from both sides and promote in-depth and sustained development of China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation.