ACC Secretary-General Exchanged Views with Director-General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Henan Province

Source:Source: ASEAN-China Centre Author:Liangyu

On 9 November 2017, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mme. Song Liping, Director-General of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (FAO) of Henan province, and exchanged views on ASEAN-China and ASEAN-Henan cooperation. Mr. Li Bing, Director of the General Affairs Division of Henan FAO, Mr. Yang Jianwei, Director of the International Exchanges Division of Henan FAO, and Ms. Huang Ying, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC, attended the meeting.

Director-General Song Liping congratulated on the 6th anniversary of ACC and expressed her appreciation on ACC’s efforts to promote ASEAN-China cooperation. She said Henan is committed to taking active part in the building of the Belt and Road and attaches great importance to promoting its friendly ties with ASEAN countries. Henan would like to further strengthen the cooperation with ASEAN countries in the fields of trade, tourism, agriculture, culture and education, and so on. through various platforms like China (Henan) International Investment and Trade Expo. ACC is an important platform to promote ASEAN-China practical cooperation. Henan FAO expects to strengthen contact with ACC, explore to jointly conduct activities and play a greater role in deepening Henan-ASEAN exchanges and cooperation.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping thanked Henan FAO for its support to ACC. She mentioned that at the reception celebrating ACC’s 6th anniversary, the wonderful performance brought by the Huaxia Ancient Music Arts Orchestra of Henan Museum, which was arranged by Henan FAO, was very impressive and received high appraisal and warm welcome from the attendees. She briefed on ACC’s work plan next year, and said ACC would take the year 2018, which marks the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China strategic partnership, as an opportunity, actively implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of both sides and make new efforts to promote ASEAN-China practical cooperation. ACC would like to enhance communication with Henan FAO, fully serve as a bridge and bond and jointly push forward the ASEAN-Henan and ASEAN-China cooperation to produce more fruitful results.