ASEAN-China Film Festival 2017 Opened in Kuala Lumpur

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:Yang Yi

On 2 December 2017, ASEAN-China Film Festival 2017, co-hosted by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), China-ASEAN Association (CAA), and State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China, opened in Kuala Lumpur. H.E. Mme. Gu Xiulian, Former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China and President of CAA, announced the opening of the festival. H.E. Mr. Bai Tian, Ambassador of China to Malaysia, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ACC, H.E. Mr. Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN Secretariat, H.E. Mme. Lin Yi, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Mr. En. S. Letchumanan A/L Shanmugam, Undersecretary of International Division of Ministry of Communications and Multimedia of Malaysia, Dato’ Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan, President of Malaysia-China Friendship Association, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lim Gait Tong, Chairman of Farlim Group (Malaysia) BHD, Mr. Ruan Yonggang, President of ASEAN Finance Agency, Ms. Luo Xing, Dean of College of Film, Television & Media of Guangxi Arts University, Mr. Tai Hsiao Hua, Permanent Honorary President of Malaysia Chinese Cultural Society, Mme. Jiang Wenli, Co-Chair of the Awards Jury on China side, Mr. Saw Teong Hin, Co-Chair of the Awards Jury on ASEAN side, and representatives of government officials, film directors, actors, actresses of all walks of life, totaling over 500 participants, attended the event.

Secretary-General Yang warmly welcomed all participants in her opening remarks. She stated that ASEAN countries and China are good neighbors and good partners connected by mountains and waters. Currently, ASEAN-China relations are embracing new opportunities of development. To expand cultural exchanges and people-to-people connectivity is an important part of ASEAN-China relations. As a popular art form, film is an important way to demonstrate the customs and cultures of different countries and serves as a bridge for people across the world to enhance mutual understanding and friendship. The film industry of ASEAN countries and China has witnessed rapid development in recent years, with a number of film talents and excellent works. ASEAN and China, with over 2 billion population, have huge markets potential in strengthening film cooperation. ACC would seize the opportunity of the festival to build a new platform for ASEAN-China cultural exchanges and cooperation, promote mutual learning between civilizations and advance common development of culture industries of both sides, so as to jointly build a bright future.

Vice President Lin Yi stated that film is a modern art in visual and auditory perspective, and an effective medium for people’s emotion expressions and cross-culture communications. This festival combined visual and auditory culture with people-to-people exchanges and aimed to strengthen people-to-people exchanges by means of film, enhance mutual understanding of cultures of each other, and tighten heart-to-heart bonds. The Association would like to uphold the concept of win-win cooperation, and join hands with ASEAN countries’ friendly organizations and individuals to jointly push forward the people-to-people bond of the Belt and Road, so as to build a closer community of common destiny with ASEAN in the future.

Deputy Secretary-General Vongthep Arthakaivalvatee commended ACC and other organizers for initiating the festival in the 50th anniversary of ASEAN. He stated that ASEAN attaches great importance to the significant role of film industry in promoting talents training and creative industries’ development. ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025 proposed to encourage and support the development of creative industries including the film industry. He believed that the festival will become an important platform for both sides to present film works and enhance people-to-people understandings. He wished that China and other ASEAN countries could hold more events of this kind.

Undersecretary Shanmugam stated that in recent years, ASEAN and China have undertaken a series of exchanges and cooperation in film and creative industry through jointly shooting films, television programme exchanges and so on, all of which have gained fruitful outcomes, and effectively strengthened people-to-people bonds. Malaysia is now working on building international film basis, and looks forward to expanding cooperation with China and enhancing mutual learning.

Mme. Jiang Wenli and Mr. Saw Teong Hin, Co-Chairs of Award Jury delivered their remarks respectively. They said that the participated films fully demonstrate histories, cultures and customs of ASEAN countries and China. They wished that both sides could make full use of the festival to enhance film exchanges and cooperation, and make positive contribution to deepening ASEAN-China people-to-people bonds. They expected that the festival could grow to be another influential international brand of its kind.

At the opening ceremony, artists from ASEAN and China presented great performances in a warm atmosphere.