ACC Secretary-General Attended the Round-Table Meeting on Asian Regional Cooperation Organizations

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 11 April 2018, the Round-Table Meeting on Asian Regional Cooperation Organizations was held during the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018.

Mr. Qi Zhenhong, President of China Institute of International Studies, moderated the meeting. Mr. Chen Xiaodong, Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, attended the meeting and delivered keynote speech. Attended and addressed the meeting were scholars and leaders from international organizations including Secretary-General Yang Xiuping of ASEAN-China Centre(ACC), Under Secretary-General Liu Zhenmin of UN, Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi of ASEAN, Executive Director Gong Jianwei of Secretariat of Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA), Secretary-General Lee Jong-heon of Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS), Secretary-General Bundit Limschoon of Asia Cooperation Dialogue(ACD) Secretariat, Deputy Secretary-General Vladimir Potapenko of Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO).

Assistant Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong pointed out that in recent years regional cooperation in Asia abounds with highlights and has become an important impetus to the rapid rise of Asia, injecting a strong positive energy to global peace and development. Regional countries have forged distinctive "Asian characteristics" in regional cooperation by focusing on development, innovation and being inclusive. He spoke highly of the efforts made by regional cooperation organizations for innovation and development and expressed his appreciation to ACC’s approach to integrate innovative elements into cooperation in various fields. He put forward three suggestions for regional cooperation in Asia in the new era: First, to innovate cooperation concept and jointly pursue the vision for a better development; Second, to uphold the spirit of openness and inclusiveness and jointly build a regional cooperation framework; Third, to adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation and to share development dividends.

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said in her remarks that since its establishment, ACC has paid close attention to the needs in the fields of innovation and development and has actively carried out related activities. It has been continuously innovating the cooperation networks and constructing platforms to help foster talents, and vigorously innovating cooperation projects to attract more people's participation. She said that innovation is the driving force for development. Regional cooperation in Asia has always been advancing in pursuit for innovation and exploration and has achieved remarkable results. She also put forward three suggestions: First, strengthen strategic cooperation and tap new potential for cooperation. Second, constantly improve the mechanism and build more innovative cooperation platforms. Third, promote and encourage exchanges among scientific and technological talents and scientific research institutions and to cultivate more innovative talents.

Under Secretary-General Liu Zhenmin briefed on relevant regional cooperation mechanisms under the UN framework and shared his views on globalization and regional cooperation. He spoke highly of the achievements made in regional cooperation in Asia. He stressed that all regions of the world should work together to effectively respond to future challenges for the benefit of mankind through continuous innovation and collaboration. Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi elaborated on the efforts and achievements made by ASEAN in promoting digital transformation, wishing to strengthen cooperation with dialogue partners in innovative areas such as e-commerce and smart cities so as to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results. The leaders of other regional cooperation organizations shared their respective experience in promoting regional cooperation through innovative development and expressed their willingness to strengthen cooperation to create a beautiful, peaceful, stable and prosperous future in Asia.

Also attended the event were President Chen Dongxiao of Shanghai Institute for International Studies, Director Liu Qing of Asian-Pacific Study Center of China Institute of International Studies, President Yi Peng of Pangoal Institution, Senior Fellow and Co-founder Jusuf Wanandi of the Center for Strategic and International Studies of Indonesia and Associate Professor Dattesh Pamlekar of Indian Goa University.