ACC Attended the Forum on Review and Prospects of China’s Engagement in International Cooperation

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 17 April 2018, the Forum on Review and Prospects of China’s Engagement in International Cooperation was held in Peking University. The Forum was co-sponsored by School of International Studies of Peking University and U.N. Association of China, with a focus on “Enhancing Global Governance for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Cooperation”. Attended the event were more than 200 participants from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Ministry of Commerce of China, international organizations in China, foreign embassies, non-governmental organizations, universities, think tanks and media. ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) participated in the forum upon invitation.

Mr. Lin Jianhua, President of Peking University, said in his speech that the key of China’s promotion of the reform and building of global governance system lies in talents, disciplinary development and academic research. He briefed on the work Peking University had done for serving national strategic demand to cultivate talents for international organizations. He said 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up, and the 120th anniversary of Peking University. Peking University will continue to cultivate talents and cooperate with all sides to make more contribution to the world peace and human kind progress.

Mr. Wu Hailong, President of Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, said that China’s participation in international multilateral cooperation was gradually deepened along with the continuous progress of its reform and opening-up. He recited the achievements of China’s engagement in international multilateral cooperation. He said that in the past 40 years, China has always been a major force in safeguarding world peace, injecting new impetus into global development and contributing to the building of international governance system. At present, the world has faced more instability and uncertainty with new situations and problems, which needs rational thinking and response from all countries. He hoped that participants of the forum could open up their minds, make candid exchanges, offer feasible suggestions and build consensus.

Mr. Zhang Yue, Ambassador from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that China has always been playing a constructive role in international affairs commensurate with its own position by promoting world peace, contributing to global development and upholding international order. China has worked actively for a more equitable, reasonable and inclusive international system that benefits all. China will continue to give firm support to multilateralism, support UN in playing an active and greater role, and make more contribution to safeguarding world peace, promoting common development and carrying forward fairness and justice. 

Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, said in her video message that the world today faces many challenges that transcend national boundaries, and it needs higher level of international cooperation to tackle such global challenges as poverty, hunger and climate change. China has made great contribution to the world in poverty reduction. At the same time, the building of the Belt and Road has played a positive role in promoting global connectivity, which will let more people share the opportunities and achievements of globalization.

The participants presented their views and suggestions from different angles on topics of “Evolution of International Landscape and China’s Participation in International Multilateral Cooperation: Achievements, Experience and Challenges”, “Contributing to Fair and Equitable Global Governance Featuring Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Cooperation and China’s Role”.

Ms. Huang Ying, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC, said that ASEAN-China cooperation is an important part of China’s foreign cooperation. She recalled the fruitful achievements of ASEAN-China relations and briefed on the development path of ACC and its work on promoting practical cooperation between the two sides in relevant areas. She said ACC will seize the opportunity of the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership and ASEAN-China Year of Innovation and join hands with people from all walks of life in ASEAN and China to make more contribution to a better future of ASEAN-China relations.