ACC Organized a Field Visit to HIT Robot Group (Beijing) for Officials from ASEAN Embassies

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 17 April 2018, led by Mr. Guo Chuanwei, Director of Trade and Investment Division of ASEAN China Centre (ACC), a delegation of 20 officials from Embassies of ASEAN Member States in Beijing paid a field visit to the HIT Robot Group Beijing (HRG) and One Space Technology, a company that HRG holds shares. The delegation also had discussions with representatives from the two companies.

Accompanied by Mr. Tang Xiaohan, Senior Vice President of HRG, Director Guo Chuanwei and the Economic, Commercial, and Investment officials from Embassies of ASEAN Member States visited the HRG special robot exhibition hall and the Rocket R & D Center of One Space Technology. During the visit, officials from Embassies showed great interest in HRG’s industrial robots, service robots, specialized robots as well as intelligent plant and intelligent city projects. The group also watched operation demonstration of fire-fighting robots and explosive ordnance disposal robots, which can perform specific tasks in complex and dangerous environment. 

After the visit, the delegation had a meeting with HRG and One Space Technology. On behalf of HRG, Senior Vice President Tang Xiaohan welcomed the delegation. He said that HRG is going to promote its fine products to overseas markets and willing to share the opportunities and achievements of China's innovation with ASEAN countries.

Director Guo Chuanwei, on behalf of ACC, thanked all the Embassies of ASEAN Member States and HRG for their strong support to ACC’s activities on the theme of ASEAN-China Year of Innovation. He said that ACC will fully harness its role as a one-stop information and activities centre to advance practical cooperation in trade, investment, education, culture, tourism and information and media, and push forward ASEAN-China innovation cooperation for more outcomes.

Representatives from HRG and One Space Technology briefed on the development history, robot products, R&D and production of each company. Officials from ASEAN Embassies including Cambodian Minister Counsellor (Commerce) Tea Kong, Malaysian Minister (Investment) Mohd Zukepli Embong, Indonesian Counsellor of Economy Epik Agusdin and Vietnamese Commercial Counsellor Dao Viet Anh, exchanged views with company representatives on the layout of overseas markets and the application range of robot products.

The year 2018 is the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership and the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation. ACC will pay close attention to the exchanges and cooperation on ASEAN-China innovation and facilitate the complementarity of innovation-driven development of China and innovation-driven growth of ASEAN to elevate ASEAN-China strategic partnership to a new height.