ACC Supported the 13th China (Yiwu) Culture Products Trade Fair and the Belt and Road International Culture Development & Cooperation Initiative

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 27 April 2018, the 13th China (Yiwu) Culture Products Trade Fair (CCPTF), co-organized by Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MOCT) of China, People’s Government of Zhejiang Province and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, was successfully held in Yiwu city, Zhejiang province. Mr. Xiang Zhaolun, Member of the Leading Party Group and Vice Minister of MOCT, Mr. Zheng Jiwei, Vice Chairman of the Zhejiang Political Consultative Conference, and Mr. Liu Zhengdong, Vice Chairman of the Guangxi Autonomous Region People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Chen Kesong, Tourism Officer of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), attended the opening ceremony on invitation.

Based on the new normal of economy, CCPTF promoted "culture" to develop deeply in various fields of cultural industry, and increased the integration of culture and tourism, creativity, technology, sports, finance and other industries. Focusing on the "six innovations" concept of cultural industry, CCPTF took integration and innovation as the theme, and set up eight exhibition areas, including central pavilion, cultural consumption hall, cultural expo creativity hall, innovative design hall, animation competition hall, heritage museum and art museum, etc., totaling about 3,376 booths, with an area of about 60 thousand square meters. There were 1,325 enterprises coming from 45 countries participated in CCPTF, including Russia, France, Australia, Switzerland, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary, South Africa, Latvia, Bulgaria, etc. 

After the Opening Ceremony, the Launching Ceremony of the Belt and Road International Culture Development & Cooperation Initiative, organized by Yiwu Cultural Broadcasting and Television Press and Publishing Bureau, was successfully held. Mr. Duo Jia, Vice Mayor of Yiwu, Mr. Chen Kesong, Tourism Officer of ACC, Mr. Min Rui, Dean of Dance College of Guangxi Arts University, and Mr. Zhao Ke, Dean of International Education College of Guangxi Arts University, were invited to attend the launching ceremony and witnessed the release of the initiative. 

Mr. Duo Jia said in his remarks that Yiwu is an open and inclusive city, and the culture of Yiwu inherits and develops in such an environment, showing its own colorful charm. In order to improve the level of Yiwu's cultural openness in a comprehensive way, Yiwu adhered to the concept of cooperation based on the surrounding area, covering he Belt and Road and aiming at the whole global, and proposed the Belt and Road International Culture Development & Cooperation Initiative. Yiwu would focus on improving an effective mechanism and forming a platform for deeper cultural exchange and cooperation achieving brand effect, and strengthening cultural industry and cultural foreign trade to build Yiwu into an innovative city of culture and art. Yiwu would continue to strengthen cooperation with ACC to carry out multi-level and multi-channel communication and consultation, and promote the all-round development of Yiwu culture.

In the afternoon, Mr. Chen Kesong, Mr. Wang Zhijian, Deputy Director of Yiwu Cultural Broadcasting and Television Press and Publishing Bureau, Mr. Min Rui, Mr. Zhao Ke and representatives of Yiwu culture enterprises held a symposium and also put forward their views and suggestions from respective perspectives, focusing on how to better promote the Belt and Road international cultural development cooperation. It was agreed that Yiwu has broad prospects for cultural exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries, and the relevant departments of Yiwu municipal government and cultural development enterprises should be keenly aware of the new characteristics of the rapidly developing cultural tourism market, pool ASEAN-China high level cultural tourism resources, build brands, deepen cooperation and innovation.