ACC Secretary General Met with Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:Liangyu

On 16 May 2018, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), met with Mr. Ji Huiqi, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and exchanged views on promoting China-Indonesia and China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation. Secretary-General Yang Xiuping briefed on the development of China-ASEAN relations, ACC’s mandate and the “ASEAN-China Belt and Road Business Forum: the First E-Commerce Cooperation Dialogue”. She fully affirmed the positive contribution by Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the promotion of China-Indonesia and China-ASEAN practical cooperation. She said that the recent successful visit by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to Indonesia and ASEAN Secretariat has opened up new broad space for the deepening of China-Indonesia and China-ASEAN relations, and brought new opportunities for the practical cooperation in trade, investment and other areas between the two sides. ACC would continue to serve as a bridge or a link, and act as a go-between for the business circles of two sides to explore new possibilities of cooperation and make new and greater contribution to the comprehensive and profound development of China-Indonesia and China-ASEAN relations.

Chairman Ji Huiqi warmly welcomed Secretary-General Yang Xiuping to visit Indonesia, and introduced the efforts made by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia in promoting China-Indonesia economic cooperation. He said that they would continue to play a positive role and join hands with ACC,to promote practical cooperation between Indonesia-China and ASEAN-China to make new fruitful achievements.