ACC Secretary-General Visited Angkor International Airport Project

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 19 May 2018, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) met with Mr. Lu Yanwen, President of Siem Reap branch of Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia and General Manager of Angkor International Airport Investment Co. Ltd., and learnt about the Chinese enterprises investment in Siem Reap and the construction progress of Angkor International Airport. Mr. Liu Zhijie, Director of the Chinese Consulate Office in Siem Reap, Mr. Yang Shu, Executive Vice General Manager of Angkor International Airport Investment Co. Ltd., Mr. Zou Yuhui, Vice General Manager Angkor International Airport Investment Co. Ltd., and Mr. Zhang Xuehai, Deputy Director of Information and Public Relation Division of ACC, attended the meeting. 

Mr. Lu Yanwen briefed on the project of the Angkor International Airport. There is only one international airport in Siem Reap which is of small size and has only one runway. As the airport is 5 kilometers from Angkor, the vibration caused by the takeoff and landing of the planes may shake the foundations of Angkor Wat. As tourists to Siem Reap increased and in order to protect the historical sites of Angkor Wat, it is imperative to build a new airport with larger size. The new airport, covering an area of 700 hectares, is located 40 kilometers from Angkor Wat and 51 kilometers from Siem Reap city, and has 1,000 hectares of comprehensive development land. It is jointly built by Yunnan Investment Group Co., Ltd., Yunnan Overseas Investment Co. Ltd., and Yunnan Airport Group, by using the BOT mode of operation. The combined period of construction and operation will last a total of 55 years. Angkor International Airport is built as an international airline hub by the Cambodian government, and is of great significance for promoting economic cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, the economic and social development of Siem Reap, and the in-depth development of China-Cambodia relations.

Mr. Lu Yanwen stated that while running their own business, members of the Siem Reap Branch of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia were active to shoulder social responsibilities by participating in the Siem Reap Red Cross donation and other charitable activities, demonstrating the traditional friendship between China and Cambodia and helping support the economic and social undertaking in Cambodia. This also reinforced the good image of Chinese enterprises in Cambodia which have full sense of responsibilities to repay the local society. 

Secretary-General Yang Xiuping gave a briefing on the mandates and work of ACC. She spoke highly of the remarkable progress made in the Angkor International Airport project and the outstanding contributions made by Yunnan Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. and other enterprises in promoting China-Cambodia practical cooperation and the economic and social development of Cambodia. She hoped the companies to continue project construction with high quality and efficiency, while ensuring safe production, complying with local regulations and customs, and actively contributing to the welfare of the local people. She said that ACC will continue to play the role as a bridge to connect enterprises of both sides for deepening cooperation, continuously broaden the space for cooperation and promote common development.