ACC Representative Attended the 10th Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Cooperation Forum

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 24 May 2018, the 10th Pan-Beibu Gulf (PBG) Economic Cooperation Forum was held in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Nearly 500 participants including Vice Chairman Ma Biao of CPPCC, Secretary Lu Xinshe of CPC Guangxi Committee, Governor Chen Wu of Guangxi People’s Government, Vice Minister Gao Yan of the Ministry of Commerce of China, Vice Mayor Li Dianxun of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, the Second Minister of Finance Dato Seri Pauka Dr. Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah of Brunei, Senior Parliamentary Secretary Tan Wu Meng of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Trade & Industry of Singapore, other government officials and representatives from business circle, international organizations, think tanks and media from both China and ASEAN countries, attended the event. Upon the invitation of the organizer, Director Guo Chuanwei of Trade and Investment Division of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the Forum.

 Vice Chairman Ma Biao of CPPCC said in his remarks that PBG economic cooperation has made a series of achievements and become an important sub-regional cooperation mechanism under the framework of China-ASEAN cooperation. The Forum is of practical and historical significance as it deeply explores how to develop new routes for land and maritime trade and practically push forward the building of a closer ASEAN-China community with a shared future.

 Director Guo Chuanwei attended the China-ASEAN Port Cities Cooperation Network Work Conference and delivered a speech. He pointed out that in order to push forward the development of Port Cities Cooperation Network and promote cross-border, cross-region land and maritime connectivity, efforts should be made in three fields. First, establishing sound information platform of flow of goods. Second, attracting more and more port cities to join the Cooperation Network. Third, encouraging cooperation between industries around ports to drive regional economic development; making full use of land and maritime connectivity and coordinating the development of Port Cities Cooperation Network and new route for land and maritime trade.