ASEAN-China Centre Attended the World Tourism Alliance Dialogue on “City Tourism”

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

On 29 May 2018, the World Tourism Alliance (WTA) Dialogue on “City Tourism” was held in Zhengzhou, co-organized by WTA and Zhengzhou Municipal Government. Mr. Li Jinzao, Vice Minister of Culture & Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Duan Qiang, Chairman of WTA and Mr. He Jinping, Deputy Governor of Henan province attended the dialogue and delivered remarks. More than 300 delegates attended the dialogue, including the relevant officials in charge from Ministry of Culture & Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, Henan province and Zhengzhou city, mayors of China and foreign tourism cities, WTA members delegates, domestic and foreign tourism industry personages, and so on. Mr. Chen Kesong, Tourism Officer of ACC was invited to attend the dialogue. 

Mr. Li Jinzao said in his remarks that the propelling force, influencing factors and own characteristics of contemporary tourism have undergone profound changes, which have formed five core elements, namely, government, enterprises, industry associations, think tanks and tourists. At present, governments around the world attach great importance to tourism and regard tourism as a pillar industry and an important vehicle for people-to-people exchanges, which promoted strong growth in the global tourism industry. Enterprises are the backbone of the development of modern tourism industry and promote the unprecedented prosperity of tourism industry. Industry associations are the important bridges to coordinate industrial strength, reflect enterprise demands, and communicate with enterprises and governments. Think tanks play an important role in planning and designing the development direction of tourism industry. Tourists are the ultimate goal and ultimate orientation of the five core elements of tourism. WTA is an important platform for integrating, optimizing and upgrading the five core elements, which should be made full use of by all sides to promote experience exchanges, explore cooperation opportunities and achieve win-win results. He also expected WTA to strengthen its own construction, to promote the establishment and improvement of more functional network platforms, to fully display tourism resources and to deepen communication and cooperation for members.

Mr. Duan Qiang said that in recent years, with the further development of world economic integration, tourism has entered the golden age of rapid development, but the interest demands of different stakeholders are not always channeled to a win-win situation. They needed to be coordinated through dialogue, legislation and cooperation so as to maximize the development goals. The dialogue aimed at promoting the development of tourism through dialogue and communication among different stakeholders. Cities are the important members of WTA. WTA was willing to exchange and cooperate with Chinese and foreign tourism cities in an open manner, actively build a communication bridge, promote market cooperation, strengthen information sharing and create brand activities for the development of urban tourism.

Mr. He Jinping introduced Henan’s long history, culture and tourism resources in his remarks. He said that the Henan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attached great importance to the development of tourism and strived to build a first-class and world-famous tourism destination. Tourism had become an important way to promote Henan's economic and social development and meet the needs of people’s beautiful life.WTA had played an important role in promoting the sustainable development of the global tourism industry, reducing poverty and promoting social harmony with the purpose of making a better life and a better world through tourism. The dialogue would become an important platform for displaying achievements, sharing experiences and promoting cooperation.

The dialogue took “City Tourism: Coordination, Dialogue and Cooperation among Stakeholders” as the theme. The representatives of Zhengzhou Municipal Government, OCT Enterprises Group CO., Ltd. and China Union Pay were invited to make keynote speeches. Some representatives of WTA members discussed the related topics about the development of the world tourism city.