Leader of Baotou City Met with Delegation of Representatives of ASEAN Embassies in China

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:ZX

On 5 June 2018, Mr. Zhang Jianzhong, Executive Vice Mayor of Baotou Municipal City of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region met with the delegation of representatives of ASEAN Embassies in China. H.E. Mr. Thit Linn Ohn, Ambassador of Myanmar to China, H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), representatives from Embassies of Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam, and Mr. Fu Yongchun, Director General of Inner Mongolia Foreign Affairs (Overseas Chinese Affairs) Office (FAO), Mr. Du Bin, Deputy Director General of Inner Mongolia FAO, Mr. Ma Fu, Secretary General of Baotou Municipal City, Mr. Huang Changfan, Deputy Director General of Baotou FAO and Ms. Huang Ying, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC attended the meeting.

Mr. Zhang Jianzhong extended his warm welcome to the delegation and briefed on the development and opening-up of Baotou city. He said that Baotou is a modern industrial city with rich natural resources and beautiful landscape. After 60 years of industrialization and urbanization, Baotou has built up a comprehensive industrial system and is known as the “Grassland Steel City” and “Rare Earth Capital”. Baotou also has honorary titles such as the United Nations Habitat Award and the National Civilized City in China. Baotou actively participates in the Belt and Road Initiative and opens up wider to the world. He sincerely hoped the delegation could better understand Baotou through the visit and jointly expand practical cooperation in various areas between the two sides and realize win-win cooperation of mutual benefits.

H.E. Mr. Thit Linn Ohn expressed his appreciation on behalf of the delegation to Baotou Municipal Government and Inner Mongolia FAO for their hospitality and careful arrangements. He said it is a great opportunity to visit Baotou and learn from the economic and social development of the city. Baotou is the last stop of the delegation’s visit to Inner Mongolia. Through the substantive visit in the past two days, the delegation had first-hand experience on the vitality of the continuous opening-up of Inner Mongolia, and was especially impressed by the fine infrastructure, unique cultural customs and the scenes of all ethnic groups living harmoniously together. He wished Inner Mongolia to achieve greater development in the future with the right leadership of Inner Mongolia government and the unity and endeavor of the people in the region. He expected more fruitful achievements in the exchanges and cooperation between ASEAN and Inner Mongolia including Baotou.