Mayor of Guiyang Met with ACC Secretary-General Chen Dehai

Source:Source: ASEAN-China Centre Author:mmm

 On 28 July 2018, Mr. Chen Yan, Mayor of Guiyang, met with H.E. Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC). Both sides exchanged views on strengthening friendly cooperation between Guiyangand ASEAN countries. Mr. Sun Zhiming, Vice Mayor of Guiyang, Mr. Liu Benli, Secretary-General of Guiyang Municipal Government, Mrs. Liu Lisha, Director of Guiyang Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, and Ms. Zhou Hui, Deputy Director of the Education, Culture and Tourism Division of ACC, attended the meeting.

Mr. Chen Yan welcomed Secretary-General Chen Dehai to Guiyang and briefed him on the opening up of Guiyang, in particular the friendly exchanges with ASEAN countries, and expressed his appreciation to ACC for its support to China-ASEANEducation Cooperation Week (CAECW). He said Guiyang is an important resort city featuring eco-leisure and tourism in China, a national-level big data industry cluster city, and the permanent host city for the CAECW. He commended ACC as an important activities centre for promoting cooperation between ASEAN and China and said Guiyang Municipal Government is willing to strengthen cooperation with ACC to further expand practical cooperation with ASEAN countries in areas of trade, investment, education and culture.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai thanked the Guiyang Municipal Government for its support to ACC’s work. He commended the all-round opening-up of Guiyang and the fruitful friendly exchanges between Guiyang and ASEAN countries. He stated that the CAECW has developed into a high-level platform for educational cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between China and ASEAN countries. With continuous development of ASEAN-China relations, the practical cooperation between Guiyang and ASEAN countries in various areas is embracinggood opportunities. ACC will actively support the exchanges and cooperation among provinces and cities of both sides, and will continuously serve as a bridge between Guiyang and ASEAN to further strengthen collaboration, and make positive contributions to the overall development of ASEAN-China relations.