Remarks by ACC Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Chen Dehai

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:ZD

 (6 August 2018, Marriott Hotel, Beijing)

Your Excellency Mr. Chen Xiaodong, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China,

Your Excellency Mr. Jose Santiago Romana, Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to the People’s Republic of China,

Your Excellency Mr. Tian Xuejun, Vice Minister, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China,

Excellencies, Diplomatic Envoys,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

Good Evening!

A big welcome to all of you to the reception. Thank you, Assistant Minister Chen Xiaodong and Ambassador Romana for your warm remarks.

It is my honour to serve as the third Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of ASEAN-China strategic partnership. I am keenly aware of the great responsibility on my shoulder.

I would like to thank the governments of ASEAN Member States and the People’s Republic of China for their trust and support rendered on me. I wish to thank my predecessors and all the ACC colleagues for their outstanding contribution to the development of the Centre. My heartfelt thanks also go to friends from all sectors in ASEAN and China for their care and support for ACC.

ASEAN countries mean a lot to me. My diplomatic career started from bilateral cooperation between ASEAN countries and China. Afterwards, I worked and lived in ASEAN countries for a long time, forging close bond with ASEAN countries. In my new post as ACC Secretary-General, I will fulfill my mission and contribute my humble share to the friendly exchanges and cooperation between ASEAN and China.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

Linked by mountains and waters, ASEAN countries and China enjoy geographical proximity and cultural affinity. Over the past 15 years since the establishment of strategic partnership, ASEAN and China have deepened political trust and reaped rich fruits in practical cooperation, which have delivered tangible benefits to the people of both sides and made important contribution to peace, development and prosperity of the region.

At present, ASEAN-China relations have entered a new era with new opportunities. This year marks the beginning of the second 50 years for ASEAN. It is also the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. Both sides are taking the ASEAN-China Year of Innovation as a good opportunity to actively strengthen coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN’s development plans, deepen practical cooperation, elevate ASEAN-China strategic partnership, and build an even closer ASEAN-China Community with a shared future.

At the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting concluded last week, both sides reached consensus on ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030. We believe that the 21st ASEAN-China Summit will achieve fruitful results and inject fresh and strong impetus to the future development of ASEAN-China relations.

Distinguished Guests,

Dear Friends,

The establishment of the ASEAN-China Centre was the result of joint efforts and strong commitment of 10 ASEAN Member States and China, which carries great expectations of all sides. Over the past 7 years since its inception, ACC has actively implemented the consensus reached by our leaders, carried out its work with a focus on the priority areas of ASEAN-China cooperation and organized a rich variety of activities. Its productive work has been widely appreciated.

The new era has bestowed new missions on us. ACC will redouble its efforts, forge ahead, and fully harness its role as a one-stop information and activities centre to make active contributions to the all-round and in-depth development of ASEAN-China strategic partnership.

We look forward to the continuous attention and support of friends from all walks of life in ASEAN and China. Let’s work together to open up an even more splendid chapter in ASEAN-China relations.

Thank you.