ACC Attended the 42nd EABC Meeting and Related Meetings

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:Liangyu

From 29 to 30 August 2018, the 42nd East Asia Business Council (EABC) Meeting and related meetings were held in Singapore. Representative of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) participated in the working group meetings of RCEP, e-commerce, MSME and other related meetings of the EABC. The above-mentioned meetings were respectively chaired by Phairush Burapachaisri, Vice Chairman of Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade, Jeffret Goh, CEO of Network for Electronic Transfers (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Lisa Ibrahim, CEO of Arkitek Ibrahim. More than 40 participants from members of EABC, ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) and Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) attended the events.

Representative from EABC Thailand updated the participants on the progress of RCEP negotiation. Suggestions on the negotiation from the ASEAN side were raised up on such areas as trade in goods, trade in services, investment, dispute settlement and e-commerce. The communication process among the parties in the 23rd round of RCEP negotiation was also briefed to the participants.

Representative from EABC China made a presentation on the process of compiling an e-book about customs procedure led by CCPIT as well as the difficulties faced during the compiling. The EABC members are welcome to continue to provide relevant materials and fund support within their capacity.

Representative of ACC briefed on the major work completed in trade and investment in 2018 and the planned activities in the coming months, and invited the EABC members, ASEAN-Japan Centre, ASEAN-Korea Centre and TCS to attend the China-ASEAN Trade and Investment Promotion Forum to be held in Beijing by the end of October, and Asia-Euro Trade in Services Fair to be held in Shanghai in early November.

The EABC members spoke highly of the work done by the three Centres in trade and investment and hoped to strengthen communication and collaboration with the three Centres to better serve the enterprises in the region.

The meeting also discussed on the papers which the EABC chair was due to submit to the ASEAN Plus Three Economic Ministers Meeting. During the meetings, ACC representatives had exchanges with the participants on further strengthening contacts and interaction between ACC and the EABC members.