ACC Secretary-General Exchanged Views with Officials in Khon Kaen, Thailand

Source:ASEAN-China Centre

0n 28 September 2016, ASEAN-China-Centre (ACC) Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping exchanged views with local officials of Khon Kaen Province in Northeast Thailand. She outlined the recent work of ACC, especially in promoting tourism cooperation between ASEAN and China, saying that tourism was not only a driving force for regional economy, creating jobs, and bringing welfare to local people, but could also enhance mutual understanding between different cultures and promote regional peace and prosperity. She pointed out that 2017 would be the Year of ASEAN-China Tourism Cooperation. ACC would continue its communications with all parties, carry out a series of projects, and contribute to ASEAN-China relations.

Khon Kaen Governor and the Mayor of Khon Kaen City said that Khon Kaen Province, located at the geographical center of Northeast part of Thailand, was the intersection between Economic Corridor of Indochina Peninsula and China-Thailand High Speed Railway. It was endowed with favorable geographic advantages and unique scenery. Local government put a lot of emphasis on development of commerce, financial services, transportation, education, health and medical sectors, and now would like to focus on tourism industry. They would like to have more contacts and communications with ACC as well as local provinces and cities in China, to expand tourism and economic cooperation, so as to inject fresh impetus to social and economic development in Khon Kaen.