ACC Representative Attended the Forum on the Frontier Issues of Global Ocean Governance and the 2nd Grandview Institution-ASEAN Think Tanks Dialogue

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:Shi Yinglun


From 2 to 3 November 2018, representative of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the Forum on the Frontier Issues of Global Ocean Governance and the 2nd Grandview Institution-ASEAN Think Tanks Dialogue during the 2018 World Ocean Week (WOW) in Xiamen.

The event was hosted by Grandview Institution and organized by Cross-strait Tsinghua Research Institute. More than a dozen scholars of maritime affairs from China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Viet Nam, as well as experts from non-governmental organizations such as 3C Environmental Solutions, conducted in-depth interpretations and discussions on the frontier issues of global ocean governance, such as marine order, marine ecology, blue economy and marine cooperation in South China Sea as well as China’s role in regional marine cooperation. The speakers believed that regional countries should strengthen cooperation and jointly work on the roadmap of blue economic cooperation so as to make the blue economy a good practice of cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Based on the common problems of current regional marine governance, the forum and the dialogue contributed to promoting academic exchanges and policy communication between China and ASEAN, which is conducive to maintaining regional stability and promoting regional cooperation in marine sustainable development.