The 2019 New Year’s Gala for ASEAN and Chinese University Students Successfully Held in Chengdu

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:zh

From 21 to 22 December 2018, the 2019 New Year’s Gala for Chinese and ASEAN University Students, co-hosted by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, was successfully held in Chengdu. Around 1400 attendees took part in the event, including Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ACC, Mr. Luo Qiang, Deputy Party Secretary of Chengdu Municipal Committee of the CPC and Mayor of Chengdu, Ms. Liu Jin, Director-General of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of Ministry of Education of China, Ms. Liu Xiaoliu, Vice Mayor of Chengdu, Mr. Vithit Powattanasuk, Consul-General of Thailand to Chengdu as well as officials of ASEAN diplomatic missions in China, and Chinese and ASEAN university students.

Vice Mayor Ms. Liu Xiaoliu delivered opening remarks. She mentioned that as the Belt and Road Initiative continues to forge ahead, Chengdu and ASEAN countries have enjoyed rapid growth in trade and economic cooperation, cultural and people-to-people exchanges. The MoU signed by Chengdu and ACC would further promote all-round and in-depth cooperation between Chengdu and ASEAN countries in such areas as economy, trade, finance, tourism, culture, education, and people-to-people exchange, and would open a new chapter of friendly exchange and cooperation between the two sides.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai stated in his remarks that over the past 15 years since the establishment of ASEAN-China strategic partnership, political trust between the two sides has deepened, practical cooperation has made steady progress and people-to-people exchanges have become more frequent. ASEAN-China relations have entered a new era with new opportunities, demonstrating tremendous vitality and bright prospects. He pointed out that youth can provide enduring impetus to the sustained development of ASEAN-China relations. He hoped that the happy gathering will help youth deepen mutual understanding, friendship and trust, and take an active part in ASEAN-China exchanges and cooperation and stay committed to carrying forward friendship, promoting common development and building the ASEAN-China community with a shared future.

Director-General Ms. Liu Jin and Consul-General Mr. Vithit delivered remarks respectively, and pledged to further focus on ASEAN-China connectivity, promote friendly exchanges among youths and constantly enhance mutual learning, so as to make contributions to the in-depth development of ASEAN-China relations.

At the opening ceremony, Secretary-General Chen and Mayor Luo jointly inaugurated the ASEAN-Chengdu Exchange Centre, and all the guests witnessed the moment.

Student representatives from China and ASEAN countries presented wonderful performances with national cultural characteristics in a warm atmosphere, including dances “Belt and Road · Bond of the ASEAN-China Family”, “Blooming Flowers”, “Tribute to Mountains and Waters”, “Merry Tunes of the Qiang People”, chorus by student representatives of many countries “Chengdu”, “Essence of Chinese Martial Arts”, and etc.

The New Year’s Gala for Chinese and ASEAN University Students is an annual flagship activity initiated by ACC and has been held for six consecutive years since 2012. It aimed at enhancing youth exchanges, promoting ASEAN-China education cooperation, and contributing to the building of “Belt and Road” and a much closer ASEAN-China community of shared future. This is the first large-scale event co-hosted by ACC and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government after the two signed the MoU on jointly supporting the development of Chengdu-ASEAN Exchange Centre.