Secretary-General Chen Dehai Visited Beijing Jiaotong University

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:zh

On 7 December 2018, Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), visited Beijing Jiaotong University and met with Mr. Cao Guoyong, Party Secretary of Beijing Jiaotong University. The two sides exchanged views on deepening the university’s educational exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN. Mr. Guan Zhongliang, Vice President of Beijing Jiaotong University, Mr. Guo Chuanwei, Director of Trade and Investment Division (TID) of ACC, Ms. Ding Yue, Deputy Director of the General Affairs and Coordination Division (GACD), Ms. Zhou Hui, Deputy Director of the Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) and Mr. Wang Zhiquan, Deputy Director of the Information and Public Relations Division (PPRD) were present at the meeting.

Secretary Cao Guoyong welcomed Secretary-General Chen Dehai and his delegation, and briefed on the university’s development and its cooperation and exchanges with ASEAN countries. He said that Beijing Jiaotong University has maintained long-term friendly cooperative relations with universities and enterprises of ASEAN countries. He hoped that with the strong support of ASEAN-China Centre, the university could continuously expand exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries by giving full play to its advantage in personnel cultivation and technical training in such fields as railway transportation.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai commended the achievements of Beijing Jiaotong University in serving the development of national railway transportation and its exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries. He said that deepening ASEAN-China educational exchanges and cooperation has been one of ACC’s major tasks. The 21st ASEAN-China Summit issued the “ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030”, which set the strategic direction for the long-term development of bilateral relations. ACC would continue to play its role as a platform by strengthening communication and exchanges with Beijing Jiaotong University to explore new cooperation mechanisms in students’ exchanges, personnel training and discipline capacity building, so as to make active efforts to deepen friendly exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries in education.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai also visited the University History Museum and the State Key Lab of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, and exchanged views with the Centre for International Education and the National Education and Service Center of Rail Transportation Technology.