Indonesian Delegation Visited ACC

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:Yang Yi


On 11 December 2018, organized by the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, the “China-Indonesia Discussion on China-ASEAN relations” delegation visited the ASEANC-China Centre (ACC).

Mme. Wang Hongliu, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC welcomed the delegation and gave a briefing on ACC’s work and priorities for 2019. Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division Ms. Kong Roatlomang and Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Division Mr. Wang Zhiquan respectively introduced the work of ACC in related areas. They also had in-depth discussions with the delegation on further strengthening cooperation and promoting ASEAN-China relations. Media representatives from People’s Daily Online, Global Times Online and China Report exchanged views with the delegation on the development trend of media, the current situation and future prospects of cooperation between the two countries. Both sides shared views on seizing the opportunity of the ASEAN-China Year of Media Exchange in 2019 to further deepen exchanges and cooperation to push forward the sound and sustained development of ASEAN-China relations.

The delegation, headed by Mme. Listyowati, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of Indonesia in China, was composed of officials from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, media representatives from VIVA and ANTARA News Agency and faculty member from University of Indonesia. Mme. Listyowati expressed appreciation to ACC for its warm reception and congratulated on ACC’s achievements since its establishment seven years ago. The delegation also visited ACC exhibition hall. An official of Chinese Embassy in Indonesia accompanied the delegation during the visit.