ACC Secretary-General Attended the Jiangxi Cultural and Tourism Promotion 2018 (the Philippines)

Source:ASEAN-China Centre


On 14 December 2018, the Jiangxi Cultural and Tourism Promotion 2018, co-hosted by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province, was successfully held in Manila, the Philippines. Mme. Wu Zhongqiong, Vice Governor of Jiangxi Province, Mr. Robby Alabado III, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Tourism of the Philippines, Mr. Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ACC, Mr. Tan Qingsheng, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of the Philippines, Mr. Carlos Chan, special envoy to the President of the Philippines on China affairs, Mr. Julius Caesar Aragon Flores, Consul-General of the Republic of the Philippines in Xiamen and representatives of tourism industry, friendly organizations, the media and overseas Chinese living in the Philippines attended the event.

Vice Governor Wu Zhongqiong briefed on the long history, unique scenery and robust economic and social development of Jiangxi. She said the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative brought Jiangxi and the Philippines closer in their cooperation in such areas as trade, investment, culture and tourism, and the friendship between the two peoples has been further enhanced. She warmly welcomed Philippine friends to visit Jiangxi for study, tourism and investment, and share the benefits of common development and prosperity. 

Assistant Secretary Alabado III welcomed and appreciated Jiangxi coming to the Philippines for holding the promotion event. He spoke highly of the time-honored history of Philippines-China friendly exchanges and close ties among the people. He said both the Philippines and China are rich in tourism resources and hoped that both sides could further tap the potentials, strengthen cooperation on visa facilitation, construction of tourism infrastructure and jointly advance the cultural and people-to-people exchanges and increase mutual understanding between people of both sides.

Secretary-General Chen Dehai highly commended the development of ASEAN-China and Philippines-China relations. He said the “ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030” would chart the future course for the strategic partnership. Chinese President Xi Jinping had successfully visited the Philippines, and the bilateral relations are embracing new important opportunities. ACC would continue to support Jiangxi in expanding its cooperation with ASEAN countries including the Philippines, work together to push forward the all-round cooperation to produce more results.

Charge d’Affaires Tan Qingsheng said this year marks a great milestone of China-Philippines relations. The Chinese President Xi Jinping made a successful state visit to the Philippines in November 2018, during which he and President Duterte reached important consensus on pressing ahead with the blooming bilateral relations. He said as different provinces in China have their own unique landscape and charms, he hoped that Philippine friends could have a better knowledge of Jiangxi through this promotion event. Chinese embassy would render all necessary support to Jiangxi in its efforts to advance cooperation with the Philippines.

At the promotion event, the participants witnessed the signing of cooperation agreements between tourism industries of both sides. Artists from Jiangxi played music with porcelain instruments, presented demonstration of Jiangxi intangible cultural heritage handcrafts such as Guangxin paper cutting, Xinyu Xiabu embroidery and Huaiyu stone pot, which were highly appreciated by the participants.

In the afternoon, Secretary-General Chen Dehai attended the Photo Exhibition of Beautiful Jiangxi Landscape co-hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government. Dozens of pictures vividly demonstrated the charming landscape and cultural customs of Jiangxi, which drew strong interests of the attendees. Participants said that Jiangxi enjoys beautiful landscape and there is large potential to expand tourism cooperation with the Philippines. They would like to join hands together to lift the Philippines-Jiangxi people-to-people exchanges to a new height.

During his stay in Manila, Secretary-General Chen Dehai also met with Mr. Salvador Medialdea, Executive Secretary of the Office of the President of the Philippines, Ms. Marian Jocelyn R. Tirol-Ignacio, Executive Director of the Office of ASEAN Affairs of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Ms. Marie Charlotte G. Tang, Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Coordination of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Mr. Carlos Chan, special envoy of the President of the Philippines on China affairs, Mr. Arsenio Lizaso, President of the Cultural Centre of the Philippines and Mr. Tan Qingsheng, Charge d’Affaires of Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, and exchanged views on promoting China-Philippines friendly exchanges and practical cooperation.