Delegation from Nanjing University Visited ASEAN-China Centre

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:zh

On 19 February 2019, a 21-member delegation from Nanjing University visited the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC).

Ms. Wang Hongliu, Director of General Affairs and Coordination Division (GACD) of ACC welcomed the delegation. She said that it meets the need of the times to cultivate talents of global competence with international vision, extensive knowledge of international rules and the ability to participate in international affairs and international competition. She gave a brief introduction on ASEAN-China relations, the establishment, development and achievements of ACC. She also encouraged students to make a further learning about international organizations, actively cultivate innovative and cooperative spirit, and realize their full potential through playing their due role on the global stage. Representatives from GACD, Trade and Investment Division (TID), Education, Culture and Tourism Division (ECTD) and Information and Public Relations Division (IPRD) of ACC briefed on the work of each division.

Mr. Jiang Wenjia, Section Director of Student Career Development Centre of Nanjing University appreciated the warm hospitality and considerate arrangement by ACC. He briefed on the work of Nanjing University on strengthening cooperation with international organizations, and wished to further strengthen cooperation with ACC on think-tank, student exchanges and internship program.

The delegates exchanged views with ACC representatives on the matters of interest including international organizations’ management and exchanges, intern recruitment, ASEAN-China trade and economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, and capacity building of global competent talents. The delegation agreed that the discussion was wide-ranging, constructive, and important for the students’ future career development. During the visit, the delegates also toured around the exhibition hall of ACC.