Secretary-General Chen Dehai Attended the Opening Ceremony of 2019 Senior Workshop on New Media: from Technology to Creative Work

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:zh

On 26 March 2019, the opening ceremony of “2019 Senior Workshop on New Media: from Technology to Creative Work” & Seminar of“China-ASEAN New media cooperation”was held at Communication University of China (CUC). The event was hosted by CUC and attended by around 50 people, including Mr. Zhang Zhixin, Counsellor of Department of Asian Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Mr. Yang Yujun, Dean of Academy of Media and Public Affairs of CUC, representatives of AMS diplomatic missions in China, ASEAN and Chinese media in Beijing, as well as participants of the workshop from 10 ASEAN countries. Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) Mr. Chen Dehai addressed the opening ceremony upon invitation.

In his remarks, Secretary-General Chen Dehai said that a new round of technological transformation provides a rare opportunity and broad space for ASEAN-China media cooperation. The senior media workshop is a good practice of better and closer cooperation between ASEAN and China that complies with the trend of times in the new media age. He hoped that the media of both sides would enhance exchanges and learn from each other to lift the cooperation in media to a higher level, thus making greater contributions to the development of ASEAN-China relations.

Counsellor Zhang Zhixin gave an overview of the development of ASEAN-China relations and its fruitful achievements. Pointing out that the year 2019 is the opening year of implementing the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030, he stated that China stands ready to join hands with ASEAN to elevate the bilateral strategic partnership to a higher level.

Mr. Yang Yujun extended welcome to all the guests on behalf of CUC. He said that the development of science and technology brings opportunities and challenges to the media industry. He called on media practitioners to keep pace with the trends and become master of technology, so as to push forward the integration of media and technology.

Participants from the ASEAN countries gave respective introduction to the development of media organizations of their countries, and had further exchange on ASEAN-China media cooperation.