ACC Representatives Attended the Opening Ceremony of Exhibition of Treasures from National Museums along the Silk Road

Source:ASEAN-China Centre Author:zh

On 11 April 2019, “Sharing a Common Future: Exhibition of Treasures from National Museums along the Silk Road” was opened in Beijing.

Mr. Zhang Xu, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism of China, Mr. Wang Chunfa, Curator of National Museum of China, Mr. Guan Qiang, Deputy Director-General of National Cultural Heritage Administration, Curators of national museums of Cambodia, Oman, Poland and Russia attended and addressed the opening ceremony. Ambassadors of Cambodia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan to China attended the opening ceremony among 100 representatives of museums from around 20 countries and regions. Ms. Kong Roatlomang, Director of Education, Culture and Tourism Division(ECTD)of ACC, Ms. Zhou Hui, Deputy Director of ECTD attended the event and visited the exhibition together with the above-mentioned guests.

In order to showcase the cultural exchanges and mutual understanding among countries along the Silk Road, the National Museum of China is co-hosting this exhibition with national museums of 12 countries including Cambodia, Russia, Mongolia, Japan, the ROK, Kazakhstan and Poland. A total of 234 cultural relics (sets) will be on display at National Museum of China from 11 April to 14 July 2019. The Global Museum Curators Forum was also held on the same day of the opening ceremony.